Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Shopping to donate to the local food pantry

--by myfbil, posted Mar 13, 2016
I went shopping for the single purpose of buying items to donate to the food pantry. In the past, I have only donated from my cupboard... basically unwanted or unneeded items. This is the first time I have shop specifically to donate and it felt SO GOOD!
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Readers Comments

kiwicat wrote: Good work! My best friend and i do a twice yearly grocery shop just for the local food bank. My friend is very thoughtful and did breakfast packs! Good on you!
cabbage wrote: That is awesome! Thank you for sharing a great idea :-)
myfbil wrote: Kiwicat. What a great idea to shop twice a year strictly for the food donation center. Also, breakfast packs. How wonderful is that? !
Thank you all for your nice comments.
I am blessed to be able to do this. My "change jar" gets used for special things like this, also.
marylittle wrote: I love this story because of your intentionality, what a wonderful gift for the people that need the food and you. Beautiful :)
mish wrote: Bless ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your shopping with others in mind :). they will so benefit! :))
melnotes wrote: Well done and thank you for your kindness xx
splain wrote: That is what it is all about. We keep going up the stairs of learning on how to give and connect.
kjoyw wrote: Wonderful! Different intent will manifest different feeling. Bless you.
terre wrote: Well done! Thank you for thinking about those who have less than us.

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