Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Unexpected sharing with my housemate

--by Marleen, posted Mar 6, 2016
 Yesterday a housemate asked if I'd join him with dinner, he just felt like cooking and sharing. So I got treated! I was just passing him in the kitchen, on my way to next door to the supermarket, and thought it would be nice to get some Tiramisu as dessert (I almost never do dessert, but hey it felt good!)We had a great conversation too; he knows I am into spiritual things, so it got interesting. He shared he liked Jason Upton and shared this amazing song called Beautiful People. 
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Readers Comments

horsegirl21 wrote: wow, beautiful song, thank you for sharing it. It is wonderful to see someone reminding us about the power of unplugging from all our gagets and just looking around us to appreciate things.....
Rippleffect wrote: What is it with you and Jasons!! Now I will be listening to Jason Upton and Jason Mraz thanks to you. That video is just beautifufl..better turn off the computer and go smile at beautiful people now! What a lovely evening...topped off with Tiramisu and wonderful sharing! Wish I had been there! XO
Marleen wrote: hehe.. you can add Justin Timberlake too, and Jamie Woon (apparantly a lot of singers with J..)
mindyjourney wrote: Nice treat and share with a connect!
pluto178 wrote: I am so glad to hear you enjoyed each others company and had tiramisu lol x
mish wrote: Mmmmmm...a totally yummy evening in every way x
melnotes wrote: Wonderful company and desert too!
kjoyw wrote: Sounds like a really lovely time and a nice connection.
terre wrote: Lovely song, and it's great that you had a nice dinner and conversation with one of your housemates (especially after the morning you tried to treat them all to breakfast). Makes me happy.
GreenBeing wrote: Thank you for the gift of an inspiring song!

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