Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A dollar's worth and so much more.

--by Rippleffect, posted Feb 22, 2016
You might remember that I am putting a dollar a day in a container for the food bank. I wrote that I was taking January's money to the Food Bank. When I got there it had already closed so the baggie of money was just sitting waiting in my car.

Yesterday I had to buy things in the dollar store for my class. I always chat to the young man at the till. He is not fond of the education system and as a teacher I always feel badly hearing these kind of stories. It is obvious he has some developmental and physical difficulties so I am sure school was not easy or kind to him. When he asked if I got everything I needed..I joked and said I still needed lettuce but he had everything I wanted and more!

He went on to inform me that it is hard to get fresh food even at the food bank. He finds often tins of food have expired but "beggars can't be choosers". I went right out to the car and got my baggie (put a few kisses in it) and put it in his hand. I told him how the Food Bank was closed when I went to make the donation but I wanted him to get some fresh food instead this week. Ohhh the joy in his smile. ...from my heart to his....Have a wonderful day Kindness Kin! XO

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Ohhh..i LOVE when the Universe gives a direct nudge on who/where to give! Well done, my friend...and honestly, I've had many $ store "sacred" moments, is interesting develop <3.
bananatheworl wrote: Aww Such a sweet story!!
burns wrote: I can see the young man's smile : ). Thanks!
kjoyw wrote: Lovely story! Thank you for your kindness!
mish wrote: Perfect timing! Bless x
AndiCas wrote: Wonderful story!
horsegirl21 wrote: wonderful story, thank you for sharing with him :))
lt33 wrote: Love how this worked out that guy was meant to be there at that time w you so u were able to help him out so great that he will be able to get his fresh produce now
terre wrote: A perfect direct give! Thank you so much!

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