Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Meeting Sid, my Valentine

--by RoseMarie, posted Feb 28, 2016
As I do not have a significant other, I usually treat myself for Valentine's Day.  Why should I have to do without? :) Well I was on my way to the supermarket when I spotted an elderly man who had not long left the shopping mall. He had a walking stick and could only walk a few steps before he tired and held the fence. I did an about turn, went to him and offered to take him home.

 He had a few other items to collect in the town centre, so I went with him. We went to the chemist then another food store where he only picked up two items. Total time with him was about half an hour.  I am quite certain that if he'd been going it alone, he would have taken three hours or more. He got a taxi to the first shop, then he intended to get a taxi home when all was finished. I reckon in total he bought six items and then his medication.

He was in his 80's and was called Sid. Sid had "Rose" tattooed on his fingers, his wife's name. I learned that Sid had three sons: one died a few weeks after he was born in 1961, one died after falling on the kitchen floor and fracturing his skull when he was 32, and the other died with a heart problem when he was 45. Sid volunteered all this information as we walked back to my car for me to drop him home.  I cannot imagine his heartbreak. 

 When we arrived at Sid's home, he gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and thanked me. I'm glad I met Sid today.  Giving to Sid allowed me to receive even more, two sides of the one coin. I no longer felt a need to treat myself to roses in the supermarket.  I had already been gifted with the perfect valentine.
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Readers Comments

virgtom08 wrote: Rosemarie - your thoughtful gesture of time to pick up items - and more importantly, to listen as a friend, is a valentine gift neither of you are likely to forget. I hope you see him again sometime and share smiles again.
ImL8 wrote: That's a nice valentine
the3jewels wrote: Beautiful story. How kind you are.
ChristineAZ wrote: That's a heart warming story.
lt33 wrote: That's amazing thing u did for did today he probably thought when he got up this morning oh just another day & with your help he made a new friend & you gave him hope too wow I loved this story 👴
melnotes wrote: Awwww this is so sweet xxx
pluto178 wrote: You certainly know how to create love on Valentines day x
fairykats wrote: and forlorn roses on Feb 15 need love too! lol
fairykats wrote: Just a lovely thing to do for him. Thank you.
marleen wrote: Sounds like a day well spent in love! WOOHOO! (and yes, do that tomorrow, sounds like me..)

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