Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Begets Kindness

--by nicolrenee1968, posted Mar 10, 2016
I was gifted with a wonderful opportunity last night. One of the people in our Facebook neighborhood group posted some pillows for sale that I knew my youngest daughter would love, so I requested to buy them from her. She only wanted $4.00, which I thought was very reasonable for the 4 pillows.

We set up the porch pickup for later in the evening. When I got there, I put a $20 in her mailbox and sent her a message that I didn't have change (true, though had I really wanted to I could have gotten it), so to treat herself and her daughter to a little something.

Once she discovered what I did, she messaged me back, offering to put the change under her mat for me to pick up. I asked her to just pay the kindness forward sometime, and that would be the only 'change' I need. She promised to do just that and thanked me for my kindness.

So glad to have put a smile on her face and, in all likelihood, will somehow make a difference in someone else's day moving forward from the kind action this woman performs.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Kindness is the key for change, my friend :)). Thank you!
katking wrote: I am grinning....
Mish wrote: Nice ripple. Well done.
splain wrote: That is a great way of learning to pass it on.
savraj wrote: Beautiful kindness ripples!
info66 wrote: I am surely noticing that presently; humbling & grateful!
kjoyw wrote: Lovely kindness ripples!
bananatheworl wrote: Beautiful

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