Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Paying-it-foward at Physiotherapy

--by youandme, posted Mar 18, 2016
I've recently been going to a physiotherapist to help recover full range of motion in an arm that has been in a cast for a month. As I was waiting to register for my second appointment, I couldn't help overhear the conversation with the patient checking out before me. She was on disability, so most of the cost of her sessions were covered, except for $15 co-pays. The woman at the checkout desk asked if she would like to make her next appointment, but the patient said she couldn't do so until she had found a way to get the money. "I'll have to ask my daughter," she said, before walking away. After my session, I paid for the woman's next appointment.
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Readers Comments

Linda Moody wrote: That is so, so cool. Know that this act will have a ripple effect and that this kind of kindness will follow you and the karma will come back to you.
mindyjourney wrote: What a great RAOK! Hope you recover your full range of motion soon, my friend :))).
splain wrote: If kindness could equate to your healing, you be doing handstands by now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
info66 wrote: Nice one!! Very sweet indeed! Try Jin Shin Jyutsy too to get the energetic flow to help recovery! Not sure which Safety Energy Lock that would be, but can Google ^_×
katking wrote: yes!
Rippleffect wrote: AWE-SOME!!! HOpe your arm is healing well too! xo
savraj wrote: Oh my goodness!!!! That was so kind of you! Bravo!
Mish wrote: Full of kind!! Bless x
horsegirl21 wrote: How nice of you :)
kjoyw wrote: Now that is true kindness!!

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