Readers Comments
info66 wrote: Great! Yes, we never know what it is like, loosing people at that age.. My mom is 70, she felt dreadful when her mom went, especially for now there was no more generation older in her family..
AnnC wrote: Isn't that the wonder of kindness -- you brightened her day and she brightened yours. Great kindness.
mindyjourney wrote: A beautiful exchange and connection, my friend :)). Priceless!
savraj wrote: So kind of you to take interest in this woman. She must have been beaming from the inside out!
leoladyc728 wrote: So nice of you to connect. I sold antiques for many years and it can be a long day.
splain wrote: Her stall is also a place to socialize as well. I love talking to people who seem a little sad or lonely. love what you did.
Rippleffect wrote: How beautiful of you to be so observant and see a need to connect with this lady. Such wonderful kindness! XO
melnotes wrote: How wonderful :)
pluto178 wrote: Just in the exchange of words the world is changed. x
terre wrote: It's hard enough if someone has to part with treasured items because they need money. But to not have any interactions, it's worse! I love to talk with people like this and hear the stories behind and about the things they are selling.