Stories by DANCE (49 matches)

The Balloon Man

I had a wonderful day at a country show. Noticed the man selling balloons. Always feel bad for them as they stand all day in the cold, the heat or the rain… I thought ‘this is my chance for another bit of kindness’…so went up to him and asked him if he’d give some child a free balloon if I paid for it. He agreed. As I was walking away a father with a boy approached him and I could hear the conversation behind my back: ‘How much do they cost?’…’Well, nothing because someone has just paid for it for you--’Oh’…Thank you!’ Later I went to get him a cold drink-it was very hot-and took it to him to thank him for having been honest and done it. We started talking. He told me that when he was young he’d done lots for charity, especially marathons. He has now problems standing ... Read Full Story >>

2845 Reads

The Lady in The Antique Stall

I visited an Antiques market this weekend. A friend of mine needed to buy items for her house. I often enjoy looking at all those beautiful 'old' things, love to imagine who used them and what they were used for. I noticed a very fragile lady who had her stall nearby.

I watched for a while (always do...observe). I decided to go and talk to her. Most people I observed only asked for prices and bargained, many left without even saying thank you. I felt she needed 'more'. I always try to talk to people who seem sad or lonely.

We talked about her stall, I asked her about her items and a bit of the story behind some of them, told her about some of my Grandma and Mum's collections, etc. She was so kind and tender, her face changed, smiled a lot, and thanked me dearly for spending time with her. I was even more delighted!

2424 Reads

The Taxi Driver

When I got on the taxi I had booked this morning I noticed it was the same gentleman that had taken me back home last week. I remembered what we'd talked about so I spoke to him. He was surprised and said he thought sometimes that no one cared.

He said he'd started swimming and was happy to have lost weight, he does it every morning before starting work. We got talking, told him that swimming was a great activity and mentioned the effect of exercise in our brains too. He said he knew it was good for depression and so .... (we are all fighting our own battles, sometimes in silence) I was glad I'd spoken to him.

Sharing, important, we all need it some time or other. He wished me a good day so many times when he dropped me back that he made laugh, we were both happier :-)

2194 Reads

The Elderly Man Who Brightened My Morning

This morning I woke up a little bit worried-lots going on and many decisions to make. I decided to go for a walk and try to relax. When this happens I keep repeating to myself "don't stop being kind", others may have worse battles to fight. I already felt better when walking in the park enjoying the beautiful trees and the smiles and good mornings to and from strangers. I decided to go shopping on my way back. After paying I sat down for a while and got a coffee that the supermarket offers as a promotion. An elderly man sat next to me and started talking very loud. I noticed straight away that he had hearing aids in both ears. He had a coffee too. I tried responding but I realized he could not understand anything. I stayed anyway and he told me about his difficulties to hear, his son ... Read Full Story >>

2095 Reads

Taking the Time Really Matters

On the way to the train station we found a mobile phone on the street; battery out, seemed broken. I decided to pick it up and try to put it together to see if it worked. It did! I chose a number from the contact list and found a woman who luckily knew the owner so I asked her to please let them know I had the phone. She couldn't reach them so I tried with the station guard; he is not allowed to keep these things. After 15 minutes, worried about my train, while thinking what to do, a man called the phone. It was the owner's husband! I explained and he couldn't believe it. He asked if I could please wait for him so I did. He came to the station in 10 minutes and soon after his wife arrived. The look in their faces made it all worth it. ... Read Full Story >>

1686 Reads

I Should Have Hugged Him!

Last week I had to travel and was carrying 2 large suitcases and 1 medium size (yes, I know…I was not traveling light….). I had to take a bus and a train before getting to the airport, not an easy task but I took it easy and left with more than enough time.  I arrived at the bus stop and there were a few other people waiting. Bus came and one by one I struggled patiently and put them inside the bus. I noticed I’d began to think ‘why doesn’t anyone offer to help?’ Sat on the bus and kept thinking ‘many are very young, most of them are my neighbours, how unkind, typical of this country, that’s why I want to leave as soon as I can….etc. etc.’ I suddenly stopped myself and decided to change thoughts. I’ve been trying especially lately to ‘switch’ as soon as I see negativity coming ... Read Full Story >>

1682 Reads

How Are You This Morning

You know I put my heart and soul into making my guests and students feel welcomed and looked after. I cooked them homemade meals, helped them with anything they need, spend time with them, listen, surprise them with treats, I ask them every morning how they slept and every evening if they had a good day. When those who attend a local school come back home I ask them how it all was, help them with their homework...I want them to be happy. Sometimes however I noticed that many of them, even after being here for weeks, don't ever ask me once whether I had a good day, or a simple how are you. I know it's a bit silly but it does make me sad. Most don't realise probably. Many are very young. And...I am a little over sensitive. These past two weeks I lost yet again two people I loved ... Read Full Story >>

1549 Reads

Living Kindness Is What Changed Me

For the first time in 2 years, I've managed to be kind to my ex.

After the horrendous things he's done and the crimes he committed I kept finding it very hard not to somehow insult him when I communicated with him (always by email or through lawyers).

I've been trying for a while now to meditate and wish him well in spite of it all. I only now managed and started with a very simple phrase 'I hope you are well'. This may sound silly or even mean but I could not possibly do anything of the sort at all. I'm pleased that I did it. Thinking, reading, meditating and living kindness has helped me.

1537 Reads

The Very Kind Nipun And Friends

I would like to briefly share with you a beautiful and enriching experience I had recently in London. I spent a weekend in the company of kind, generous, caring, and loving people from all parts of the world. It started with a day of mindfulness, sharing and meditation with the 'Heart of London Sangha and Wake Up' group and it ended with a whole day of all these and much more LOVE from Nipun Mehta, Satish Kumar, and many friends.  I can't tell you how touched and deeply grateful I am. As I’m sure you all know Nipun has started a kindness movement which is spreading all over the world; 'small acts with great love' are carried out by those who want to 'be the change’; 'Change Yourself, Change the World'...AND Satish-ji is a great example of commitment and compassion for all. He told us many a story of his over ... Read Full Story >>

1525 Reads

A Short Cut Home And To My Heart, Because of Kindness

This past weekend was full of wonderful love and kindness and it all started with a lovely South African couple. I went shopping in the area but without the car. I enjoy my walks and often choose a destination from which I can take a bus back- If I have walked a long distance.

So I went on a beautiful walk and was happily doing my shopping. At the checkout after paying for my bill, I decided to ask for info about the bus. I’d not been able to see the timetable. The lovely lady to whom I’d offered to go first in the queue turned back and asked where I was going. “We are going that way, we can take you”. I enjoyed a beautiful conversation with them in the car and arrived safe, grateful and happy.

1464 Reads

Kindness On The Underground

On my way back from the city, I was in the underground. A couple with a young boy came in on one of the stops. The young man sitting opposite me got up and sat somewhere else. There were many seats free but no three seats together so he left his place so that the family could be together.

I reached for one of my little 'shine' cards (always carry some in my handbag together with the 'smile' cards) and I wrote at the back "you are kind, thank you". I gave it to the young man with a smile. He was a bit confused but said "thank you".

I noticed he kept it in his hands for a while while we traveled together in silence. Later before getting off the underground he came closer and with a bigger smile :-) said "thank you very much for this, have a lovely day"

1182 Reads

Magic at The Cafe

I met a beautiful soul yesterday. I went to work with my computer to a local cafe so that I could have a naughty treat; It was lemon drizzle this time :-) and also be among people, sometimes when you work from home all day this is in itself a treat. And the magic of connection sometimes happens; a smile, a kind good morning, someone offering you the newspaper, a short conversation with the staff, a peace dove sneaking in with the bill lots of possibilities for love and kindness. Well, magic did happen. I heard a man who was speaking with difficulty and very loud. I noticed he could not do so clearly and he had some kind of impairment. As it often happens people looked at him-or avoid doing so-and then-as if embarrassed or afraid-looked down. In these cases I try to do the opposite. I imagined a person ... Read Full Story >>

1144 Reads

"Very Nice Talking To You"

I went to the charity shop yesterday to buy a couple of chairs for my students. I often go to this shop and try to get things there when possible. They have a few volunteers, some of the locals who can't find jobs or have learning or other difficulties. I take the time to talk to them because I know how important it is for them to feel respected and appreciated. It's not always easy though. Yesterday one of them had a very strong smell of alcohol and looked obviously affected. I normally stay away when this is the case, but I could see some sadness in his eyes. I approached him, said hello, and thanked him for his work there. His smile was as big as they get! In spite of his condition he was friendly and respectful, which is not always the experience I get in such circumstances. I stayed ... Read Full Story >>

1101 Reads

She Gave Her Cleaning Lady An Incredible Gift That Will Help For Years To Come

I hired a cleaning lady to help me a couple of days in the new house in order to set it all up. She is from Eastern Europe and speaks hardly any English.

I’ve been thinking how difficult it probably is for her to get a job and when she does not to lose it. I noticed communicating what one wants her to help with is not easy, so I decided to offer her the chance to join one of the courses I teach for beginners for 3 months. It’ll be a start and I’m sure she’ll learn some basic language to support her search for work. Let’s see what she says.

1089 Reads

In For A Penny And A Pound

I went shopping with my partner, who needed a pair of trousers. After 2 hours of looking, trying, etc we decided to sit at a Cafe for a break, we both dislike shopping. While waiting for the coffee he noticed a homeless man outside and told me that he'd found a pound coin in the changing room and he was going to give it to the man. On his return he told me that the man was talking 'nonsense' without even looking at him. He had tried to have a conversation with the man without success.  Eventually he just put the money in one of his bags. The man had lots of bags and was also checking the rubbish bin taking more things. One of the things he repeated a few times was 'I have a million pounds in my bank account'. Bless him, who knows :-)

I was touched by my partner's gesture. Not long before this, he found a penny coin on the street. I suggested he could do what my grandmother always told me; pass it on to someone else, no matter how small. He'd made fun of me (kindly) as I'd also suggested adding a pound to it as it was such a small amount :-) My grandmother has a long reach! 

1000 Reads

Change the World

From one teacher to another. A kind soul who is a teacher in Africa is building a school in his own home for local poor children to attend lessons. I have created a campaign to raise funds to support them and hope to make a difference in these children's lives. Lots of loving kindness all around.

841 Reads

Helping A Long Distance Old Friend

An old friend of mine from Argentina is going through some difficult times, not enough work, little income, can't afford the full rent, etc. I am trying to organize a monthly delivery of food for her to help her. I can order a few things for 2 or 3 months and hopefully she won't have to spend  money on it and may help towards the rent, landlord already said she may have to move out  Trying to sort out the long distance payment and order, not as straight forward as in some countries. To give you an example, I had sent a simple gift before Christmas 2020: I wanted to support the Elephant Minds Foundation so I bought myself one of the beautiful elephant puzzles (all profits go to the educational projects). I sent it to my sister's little girl who is learning English. She only got the message to collect the parcel ... Read Full Story >>

809 Reads

Sharing Shears

A carpenter was working on my neighbor’s property. I was working on my front lawn, so we spoke briefly. Later, as he saw me trying to use my shears to cut some bits here and there, he noticed they were not sharp enough.

He went to his van and came back with his own shears and some other tools. He said he'd noticed mine weren’t sharp, and he'd be happy for me to use his while he was next door. How kind is that? I left a few kindness cards and sweet treats in one of his open tool boxes when he wasn’t looking.

779 Reads

Japanese Tea Served With Love

The lovely Japanese students were staying at home (not able to travel back) and offered to prepare tea for us to thank us for our kindness during these difficult times. We are so grateful for it, we had a lovely afternoon. Our minds were off the challenges and on love and kindness.

749 Reads

Taking the time to Listen

A couple of days ago I noticed my friend's cleaning lady was not very happy so I asked her how she was. I sat down with her and stayed for a little while as she told me how much she misses her family in Poland and how little money she has to get tickets to visit. I tried to make her feel better by mentioning all positive things about her and her family. My friend and I went out and while shopping I decided to buy a little gift. When we got back I wrote her a card and together with a Smile card and the gift left it for her by her belongings. When she finished, before leaving, she came upstairs with a huge smile and thanked me :-)

745 Reads

Walk With Your Neighbours

One of my neighbours came back after her summer in her home country, she brought me lemons from her garden and sweets. I was really surprised!
She made me so happy, hadn't seen her in over 3 months and here hardly anyone really life...I invited her for a walk, checked the weather forecast and it showed rain until Saturday but this morning...oh such beautiful sunshine!
So I called her and off we went ... out together and I treated her to a coffee at the garden centre. She's probably almost double my age :-) but so full of energy! SO lovely to share, talked lots, I feel grateful and today...not so lonely. A very KIND day :-)

696 Reads

Kind Accommodation

One of my guests, the Japanese young lady, needs to move closer to work because it's too long a journey and too early in the morning to go from here.

She's been such a delightful guest that I thought I'd repay her by helping her find some accommodation in the city (she was struggling also with language and lack of experience).

It took a little while but I got her a lovely small flat for her to share with only one other person. She is so happy and grateful, and so am I! Helping each other, 'kindness is never wasted...' I shall miss her when she goes next week.

655 Reads

Serving One During Isolation

We have been lucky to welcome a beautiful young lady to be our guest for the next few months. She's from Japan. Due to the Covid restrictions she must isolate in her room for a few days so I offered to cook for her and get her everything she'll need until she can go out.

We started with banana muffins for the tea on arrival. Of course it's double kindness as my partner loves them too. She has been so kind and grateful from day one! She also got us a few delicious treats from Japan, lucky us!

624 Reads

Smiling Man Offers Chocolate

We went for a beautiful walk in the woods. On our way to a lovely bench where I used to meditate, we passed by an elderly man who was walking slowly with a huge smile on his face.

I smiled back and said hello. He stopped, said hi, and asked if I wanted a chocolate bar. He pulled one out of his pocket. How sweet and kind is that?

604 Reads

Found Some Lovely Christmas Decorations

Found some lovely Christmas balls which open magically just to hide a KIND card and maybe a peace dove. I'm preparing a box full of small gifts for anyone who visits in December to pick and take for them or to give away. 'Kindness is never wasted...'

602 Reads

Just Be Nice! Bonding

We had an engineer come to fix a few things on an engine. He was so friendly and patient, he explained everything as he did it so that we know how to fix it ourselves next time.

He also charged a reduced fee, which is of course very helpful.

 I'm now preparing a kind envelope to send him with cards, a peace dove and a thank you note. I'm sure he'll be happily surprised when he gets it :-)

569 Reads

From Dentist to Tea Time

My partner had a challenging appointment with a dentist to discuss future treatment. He was worried and anxious so I went with him. While he was visiting with the dentist,

I went for a walk and found a lovely cafe to sit outside to wait for him. When he came out he had a surprise waiting for him; the waiter had helped me prepare a lovely tea and his favorite sandwich to be ready on the table seconds before he arrived.

We sat and enjoyed the place full of plants and flowers, talked, and looked at photos. He seemed much happier and relaxed after that.

562 Reads

For the Love of Elephants

I heard of  a gentleman at the marina goes to a couple of events to raise money for a charity which looks after elephants. We are emptying an old boat for sale and had a big cover that had not been used so I offered it to him.
I asked if he thought he could sell it and donate it to the charity. He said 'oh yes! That is so kind, thank you!' I told him HE was super KIND to do this every year, take the time to collect things, sometimes restore them and go to the event to sell all to support the animals.

If we make an effort we can all help each other, and sometimes it's not even an 'effort' at all, as in my case, it's just caring. He'd mentioned that he finds lots of stuff at the skip...we do live in a world that consumes and rids of things too easily....we can do so much better if if we try...

485 Reads

Precious Time

My niece has left after 2 months of a beautiful and sometimes challenging stay with us in UK. She's a teenager, so you can imagine.... A very good heart and very smart but still lots to learn. I'd like to believe I was kind to her, I looked after her, 'spoiled' her as much as I could but also tried to teach her to be and do good. I've also learned a lot from her, not only patience! I'm so lucky to be able to create these memories with her so that she can cherish them as she grows up.We had lots of fun taking pictures. Below, by a beautiful lake in Italy, freezing day but glorious. I gave her a parting gift to open on the plane: a beautiful journal in her favourite colour, pink, which says JUST BE KIND in the cover (forgot to take a picture). I wrote a long ... Read Full Story >>

481 Reads

A Few Treats For Guests

A few treats for the house guests, oats and apple biscuits with apples from our tree. There were plenty and didn't want them to go to waste. Don't you love the elephant coaster?! :-) A kind gift I received recently.

475 Reads

'DANCE' Also Commented on These Stories

Flower Bouquets For Administrative Assistant Day

Flowers From The Garden.

Since I Missed My ...

Distribution Of Sweets

Making a New Friend

Finding Old Friends

Kindness Ninjas In Action

That’s Esther, Giving Me ...

A Heart for Reading

Loving Neighbors

Bringing Smiles and Joy

Kindness - No Age Limits!

Doctor Gives Kindness Treatment

Small Act, Huge Outcome

Keeping Warm By Staying Kind.

We Were Without A ...

Africans and Australian Aboriginees

Little Ray Of Sunshine!

The Dove Magic Spreads In Oregon.

Painting Rocks--labor Of Love