Readers Comments
alisamom wrote: Oh my god that is so awful that these people left their pets behind! But I am glad that the neighbor children all pitched in to get them taken care of; that is wonderful <3
mindyjourney wrote: how dear of the childen to care for the bunnies out of their own money! And then to take them to the shelter :).
Mish wrote: Sweet children. Bless them & bunnies too x
leoladyc728 wrote: hope the bunnies find a good,new home.
terre wrote: Good help for those abandoned bunnies!
Novice50 wrote: Thank you for sharing this story! I love to hear about how children can constantly lead us.
pluto178 wrote: Well done to the kids and shame on those adults. x
melnotes wrote: Awww so sweet the bunnies were looked after by the children and hope they are in a good home now
lya348 wrote: Wonderful, motivated kids to take a bad situation and make it into a good one. Shame on the people that left them behind but thankfully the kids chipped in to solve the problem.
ChristineAZ wrote: That is wonderful!