Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sacred Acts

--by kmbhai, posted Apr 13, 2016
I think kindness is a very sacred word, which has a very vast message. We can't bind it in some definition or some words. We can feel it only in our heart or soul and it can be learned by practicing it in day-to-day life. As we as practice it, we learn more and more.

I never try to do big things for showing my kindness. I just see it in little things and try to show big kindness in small steps. I use kindness in saying thanks to my colleagues, my friends, taxi drivers, laborers, mess workers, sweepers, gardeners, and other workers.

I use kindness in spending time with a roadside tea stall worker, a vendor, orphanage children, and with the elderly.

I use kindness in sharing smiles with strangers, children, patients, and with those who are in trouble.

I use kindness in playing with animals and also in caring for injured birds. I also like to see animals' kindness. Love their way of serving human beings and also their loving nature.

I practice kindness for my inner soul and peace.
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Readers Comments

Virginia wrote: Absolutely agree with all the reasons and comments. Kindness starts a ripple effect - you have no idea how far reaching a simple act will go. I also like to send cards and articles to people. Thanks for the good reminders.
splain wrote: Such a beautiful , heartfelt post. Thanks for this
burns wrote: What a wonderful expression of your kind life!
mindyjourney wrote: Such a lovely epression of kindness and the beautiful being that you are, my friend. thank you for sharing with us.
pluto178 wrote: You can't go wrong with kindness. x
Mish wrote: ((((( KMBHAI)))))
kjoyw wrote: Kindness is indeed sacred. Bless you for yours! Kate
kiwicat wrote: This was discussed a bit yesterday. The small things are as important as the big things. For the injured bird its a matter of life and death, to the person you opened the door for - it brightens their day. You have a good heart x
brad2 wrote: Good words and a good way to look at things, like it says, one kind act at at time, keep up the good work...
terre wrote: All these "little" acts of kindness grow and grow and become big changes in your world. Because they are contagious and others follow your example. Thank you for your loving kindness, kmbhai!

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