Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Amidst Grief-Grace Emerged

--by RoseMarie, posted May 20, 2016
Last week, a young former student of mine, passed away. She was only 21 years of age. 

At the funeral her father thanked me for coming to the funeral. He said he wanted to get in touch with me but didn't know how to since I'm in a different campus now. He told me he knew I loved his daughter and she too loved me; I was so deeply touched and humbled to be told this. He has since then told others how pleased and grateful the family were that I attended the funeral.

A few days after the funeral I received the attached card. Imagine! They sent me a card in the midst of their grief! It thanks me for being so kind to their wee angel and says she was very fond of me. An 'x' at the end of it.

Katherine was a good girl but I never had to give her any exceptional treatment unlike some of my other students. I can't begin to tell you how humbled and touched I am.

A huge reminder of how we can impact on a person's life without any understanding of how important we are to them. This will lift my heart especially when students push the boundaries with me. 
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Readers Comments

RoseMarie wrote: For katherine's family.

Katherine had a deep love for you all, it was really obvious that family was precious to her. Mum, dad and brothers, all precious. She was a beautiful girl. A student who always did her work and never caused any bother. It was very easy to forget that katherine had health problems.

There is no doubt that a special angel is looking down upon you all, i'm sure you'll all hear her speak to you with love in her heart.

Precious katherine x 💓 rose-marie
Kalaa wrote: It is obvious that you made a great difference in katherine's life. How gratifying to be able to touch the lives of others in such deep and profound ways. Keep up the good work
Virginia wrote: You touched many lives through the student. We can never know how far the ripple effect will go.
RoseMarie wrote: Katherine had a deep love for you all, it was really obvious that family was precious to her. Mum, dad and brothers, all precious. She was a beautiful girl. A student who always did her work and never caused any bother. It was very easy to forget that katherine had health problems.

There is no doubt that a special angel is looking down upon you all, i'm sure you'll all hear her speak to you with love in her heart.

Precious katherine x 💓 rose-marie
DANCE wrote: wonderful, you were and are important in each other's lives
debmeron wrote: I didn't catch the original story but this is heartwarming...
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for sharing the note with us, my friend. Is amazing, how we touch lives in ways we usually never fully understand. So glad the family shared with you. Blessings of comfort.
splain wrote: This young woman obviously viewed you as someone special. The family knew about you and their daughter loved you for who you are. A lovely person and a beautiful teacher.
horsegirl21 wrote: Wonderful connection you made with your student. So sad that she had to transition at such a young age.
Mish wrote: So touching and beautiful, RoseMarie 💕

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