Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Winning Actions At Euro Football

--by RoseMarie, posted Jul 16, 2016
Football fans get a lot of bad press but this story inspired me. Northern Ireland were playing Wales in France a few days ago and Tom, a 13-year-old Welsh fan got separated from his dad.

Northern Ireland fans lifted Tom up onto a bin and helped him locate his father in the crowd. The video shows the rival teams chanting and cheering as Tom locates dad. Beautiful.

Quick action from men who recognized the importance of Tom even though he supported the rival team. A young boy became more important than the Euro Football for those who were football fanatics and who were living and breathing for their team victory.

Don't you just love such a public display of solidarity and love from men especially when meeting in a rivalry situation?

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Readers Comments

splain wrote: It really shows that people know what is more important to do when it is needed. Especially proud of them because being in a rival situation. We are talking football here. Wow
scushman wrote: awesome! :D
scushman wrote: ;D ;D ;D
sandyremillar wrote: these stories! thanks for sharing....
mindyjourney wrote: Hooray for the fans of kindness :)))
AndiCas wrote: Thanks very much for sharing that. I've been feeling very depressed about the behavior of football 'fans' recently, so it's a very timely reminder that people can also be kind.
mish wrote: Awwwww..sweet!!

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