Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Love You Always

--by RoseMarie, posted Jul 12, 2016

It was totally tangled around another piece of jewelry. I thought I would never unravel it but I knew I had to, it was important to me. You see, this lovely gold heart locket was a precious gift from my then 13 year old daughter. She had thought long and hard about what she wanted to gift me for my birthday and she must have saved really hard for it too. She refused to let anyone else contribute to it, it had to be solely from her.

It is a gold heart  locket which is inscribed 'Love you always' on the back. The little card which goes with it says ' To my beautiful mummy. Love you with all my heart! from Lauren xx'

Such a thoughtful and loving girl. Inside contains two little really badly cut photos of her and I.

Life with Lauren is very challenging since she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder about 2 years ago but I like to believe this gift symbolises her true nature.

Today as I unpicked and untangled the chain from the other item of jewellery I thought of what a kind, loving and thoughtful girl she is. The untangling of the necklace was also a reminder of life's lessons. Sometimes parts of our lives get tangled and complicated and we have to make a call, do we try and sort the issues or do we decide issues cannot be untangled? Sometimes perseverance is not only worth it but love makes it non negotiable. I am sure you can all identify with this sentiment.

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Readers Comments

livingadelicious wrote: Always worth untangling! Thank you!
kiwicat wrote: That is lovely, along with the untangling.
mish wrote: I do identify and how beautifully expressed by you, RoseMarie 💖
pyronik wrote: the patience and perseverance that must have taken. I love the analogy with life lessons. Yes, that's her true nature, & by believing it you make it so :-)
scushman wrote: So beautifully and tenderly expressed as I can tell he love for your daughter is. TY for sharing with us, RoseMarie. Namaste _/|\_ ∞ ૐღღღ ૐ☮ ☸
kjoyw wrote: What a lovely, touching story. Such power in love.
splain wrote: I so get this. I love the untangling.I We can do both , sort out the issue as best we can but never give up. Sometimes you have to live with untangled:)
melnotes wrote: Beautiful gift and one to treasure xx
leoladyc728 wrote: I identify too
katking wrote: love your ways of sharing this!

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