Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Pocket Watch

--by RoseMarie, posted Jul 19, 2016

Last night I invited my ex husband's mother out for a meal. After the meal we came back to my house and sat and chatted. That's when she told me about the true value of the pocket watch. 

She had nursed her brother Arthur when he was dying of cancer. He gave her an old pocket watch. He removed the old cord which had been on it for as long as she could remember, and with his mother's permission he attached it to one of his father's pocket watch chains. He was getting it ready to gift to her.

A few weeks before he transitioned, the local priest came to speak to her. He knew the true value of the pocket watch and after much thought and prayers decided to share this story with her:

A widow in the diocese was not only grieving her husband's death but she was also distressed about how she was going to pay for her husband's funeral. The family was very poor. She spoke with her priest and gave him her dead husband's pocket watch, hoping that it could be used in some way to raise some much needed money towards the funeral costs.

She had nothing to worry about though. An anonymous donor stepped forward and paid for all of the funeral costs: the coffin, flowers, everything. No scrimping on anything. The priest carried out the funeral service and managed to find out who the donor was from the undertakers. It was her brother Arthur. The widow asked for her late husband's pocket watch to be given to the anonymous donor.

Arthur was just a hard working  working class, honest man. He saw a need and he met it. He wasn't even Catholic. Religion didn't matter and public knowledge of his big hearted deed was avoided. This added value to the pocket watch, a value she never forgot.

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Readers Comments

Marleen wrote: Beautiful act of kindness indeed!
splain wrote: I so love people like this. Arthur was a beautiful person
kiwicat wrote: Thats a beautiful story. Thank you.
mnc_91 wrote: Immortal kindness :-)
Mish wrote: A wonderful share by your Mother- In -Law, by Arthur and by you for posting it here 💖💖💖
verityngnosis wrote: Yours story brought tears to my eyes. Such wonderful kindness and compassion shown is truly heat warming. Thank you so much for sharing.
scushman wrote: That was a wonderful share about true kindness! TY!
jsmc10 wrote: Lovely <3
kjoyw wrote: Truly beautiful post!
mindyjourney wrote: lovely share, my friend <3

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