Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Call from a Friend

--by RoseMarie, posted Aug 17, 2016
I called my mother-in-law this morning just to check up on her. While we were speaking on the telephone someone knocked on her door. She was obviously anxious and asked me what she should do. I told her not to open the door, and if it was someone who knew her well they would knock the living room window. I rang back about 10 minutes later to check on her. She was really upbeat and told me a friend had called. I was pleased but thought this was a bit mysterious as she did not identify her "friend." A short while later she called me back. She sounded so happy. Her friend had just left.

It turns out her friend was a policeman from the local police station. A few weeks ago, he called to her house when someone attempted to break in. Since then he returned with alarms for all her windows and doors. He came back when he was off-duty and fitted them for her. He also gave her his private mobile number and she is to phone him any time of day or night if she is frightened.

Today's visit was to let her know that he patrols her street and checks up on her. He told her not to be concerned if she heard a motorcycle outside her house in the early hours of the morning, it would only be him checking up on her. He has also flagged her to the other officers and has asked them to patrol her street. This was so reassuring for her.

He has told her she is commendable for a woman in her 80's and that she keeps her house in great order. She was so proud telling me this. Today when he called she was getting ready to go to a family funeral, he caught her with her rollers in and she said she was painting her nails at the time. She has arthritis and she told me there was more nail varnish over her fingers than there was on her nails. Still displays of vanity even at that age! I told her he probably thinks she's a dark horse rather than a vulnerable old lady and he's probably thinking if he'd been there 10 minutes later she have had her stilettos on! She laughed at the thought of it!

What a caring friend, at the end of the day, most of us are just people looking out for other people. 

1939 Reads

Readers Comments

splain wrote: This is such a lovely post in so many ways. Your MIL, the police man (her friend) and the nail polish. Throw in the image of the stilettos and it is a fab post. You just made her day. And mine:)
gregacuna wrote: Wow...could you imagine a world were we all took our service to such a level. Truly lovely.
scushman wrote: That is an incredible policeman to go so far to make sure she is safe. so lovely, TY for sharing that. ✨Namaste 🙏∞🌍💕☪✝✡☯☮☸✨
mindyjourney wrote: Beginning, middle and end of each day, we are all looking out after each other :)). Such a dear police! Kudos to him and to all who serve!
Mish wrote: Wow ! Just wow. 👍
Alisamom wrote: Wow such dedication, what a wonderful police officer! <3
DANCE wrote: wow, really? hard to believe, fantastic
leoladyc728 wrote: what a kind man. It seems like he is going above and beyond his jpob.
leoladyc728 wrote: job
kjoyw wrote: What an amazing story of kindness! What an inspirational example he of his police force. All just helping each other dne their way Home.

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