Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Doesn't Stop Even At Age 80!

--by kiwicat, posted Sep 12, 2016
I'm part of a social action group of eight inspiring women (men didn't want to join our group!) and we are looking at a response to homeless women in our city. At present men are catered for in a very small way. We met with an 86 yr old woman, who was asked by the Police to accommodate a single homeless woman, and there was nothing suitable for her.

We have Women's Refuge, but they only accept women with children. This 86 yr old woman now runs a home with 6 beds for single women in need. How amazing is that? Her message to us was "One person CAN make a difference"
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Readers Comments

RoseMarie wrote: Great story kiwi x
Marleen wrote: Respect! May she and all she takes care of be blessed!
sandyremillar wrote: Amen. Blessings!
catherine schoenn wrote: Very inspirational and heart warming. A good reminder that efforts need not be large scale to be hugely impactful.
BLINGUE wrote: It's interesting story!
mindyjourney wrote: Yes! One person CAN soooo make a difference :))). Kudos to woman and your social action group too!
Mish wrote: Bless this woman. 💖
gardengal10 wrote: I'm not certain that I would be that open. How wonderful that she was.
splain wrote: This is so close to my heart. What an amazing woman. Great group you have going there!!
scushman wrote: Awesome!

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