Stories by kiwicat (127 matches)

A Few Kind Words

My son and I went out for coffee this morning, and had nice coffee and a muffin. My son initiated conversation with a man sitting next to us. I was very surprised, my son is not really very outgoing with people he doesnt know. When the man had left, my son said "he looked lonely" I am proud of my son.

5775 Reads

A Sincere and Honest Petrol Station Clerk

On Thursday my car overheated and I went to the petrol station to get help. Instead of selling me the wrong and expensive in store product, the attendant referred me to an auto supply shop where I got the correct product for my car.

I went back to thank him with a bag of treats. Well, I went in today to get petrol and this is what happened - one of the other attendants said he was so pleased he kept looking at everything in the bag, they took a photo and sent it to the gas station owner. The owner emailed it to all the other station owners in the North Island.

One of the owners forwarded it to Head Office and they sent a thank you to the attendant. I told my husband and he said 'its amazing how a small act can be so big' and I agree :-)

3654 Reads

The Journey of Eight Ladies and a Homeless Shelter For Women

I've been a bit busy behind the scenes. As a lot of you know I started a Facebook page in July, and its steadily growing and up to 333 likes as of this morning! The best part isn't the number of 'followers' but its the comments - I love reading about what people do, their ideas and views and get some feedback on what I'm doing too. You can see the FB page HERE.  In April of this year, I was invited by a friend to join her Social Change group. We are 8 women from all walks of life, all ages, different backgrounds and experiences. We had one thing in common - we live in a fantastic country and yet we see homeless people on the streets asking for money. We have a generous welfare system, and a social housing scheme - but its a problem that is getting worse. ... Read Full Story >>

2863 Reads

Post It Notes On Our Walk

My lovely husband had a bad day at work. He came in the door and suggested we go for a walk. He said "come on, grab your post-it notes too" and we walked and talked and post-it blitzed the main road bench seats, bus shelters and a little quiet park where we stopped and talked more about our days. We both made our difficult days into something uplifting for someone else :-)

2827 Reads

Husband's Act Of Kindness A Week Before Holidays After Losing His Job

We have had bad news this week, my husband was made redundant (laid off/no job anymore) from his job on Tuesday. I am thankful we are better off than most, and will be able to stretch our finances until he finds another job.

Amongst all of my stress, trying to stay strong for both of husband gave me $100 cash and said "go on, go out and buy some coffee cards and Subway cards, lets take them to the hospital for the staff, they work hard" My eyes filled with tears, and I was so proud of my husband. I don't often have to say we can't do things because we need the money ourselves, but that was my first thought. He said "we will be okay, we need to look outwards not inwards" what a very special man.

2627 Reads

A Kind Bomb!

At my previous work-place we had a really dreadful boss. It made for a united staff! One of the things one of the teachers used to organize was a 'kind bomb' and if a teacher was unwell and away for a period of time, or who was struggling with difficult times, this teacher would send out a message and keep a box in her room. All the staff members would contribute something - a magazine, chocolates, food items, write cheer up messages of encouragement, bathroom products, and vouchers, items as big or small as people could afford. It was funny that sometimes the teacher who it was meant to be for would find out there was a kind bomb going down, and contribute to not knowing it was for them! Lol. There was a presentation, hugs, tears, and it was a beautiful and easy thing to do. When the teacher who organized it ... Read Full Story >>

2547 Reads

Kindness Doesn't Stop Even At Age 80!

I'm part of a social action group of eight inspiring women (men didn't want to join our group!) and we are looking at a response to homeless women in our city. At present men are catered for in a very small way. We met with an 86 yr old woman, who was asked by the Police to accommodate a single homeless woman, and there was nothing suitable for her.

We have Women's Refuge, but they only accept women with children. This 86 yr old woman now runs a home with 6 beds for single women in need. How amazing is that? Her message to us was "One person CAN make a difference"

2519 Reads

This neighborly act of kindness came easy, because it came from the heart!

I went to help my elderly neighbor move some furniture as she is getting some kitchen renovations done. We packed up her things and sorted out the pantry. She then asked me if I wanted her solid oak table and a two door free standing cupboard. I said I don't have room for them, but they are lovely. I suggested that if she didn't want them I could advertise them online for her, so I did. She didn't want any payment for the items, just that the people could move them themselves, and organize their own transport. She was worried about being alone with strangers, so I said I'd give the people my phone number, get them to text first, and I'd go over to her house and be there when they took the furniture away. One man collected the cupboard and had a beautiful story about setting up homes for refugees, ... Read Full Story >>

2500 Reads

Post It Note Blitz

Today I did a post-it note blitz - on public toilet mirrors, outside a public parent's room, and on the back of park benches in the park. I wrote the notes on the run of the mill yellow post it notes saying "Be the Kindness in the World Today" "A smile is free" "Your smile looks great on you" "I'm glad you are reading this, you are a blessing to our world" It was one of those days that I didn't feel like putting myself out there, and perhaps on those days its important that I do :-)

2465 Reads

Good Bye North Face!

This is an unfolding story. I once came across bedding all folded up behind the swimming pools where I walk my dog Roux. I wondered at the time who was sleeping there and why, what had happened in their life that this is how they had to live.  I then saw a young woman walking away from the area when I was walking. I was surprised and wondered if she was the person sleeping rough. I saw her again the next day, walking towards that area of the park. Roux the ice breaker, ran up to her for a pat, and she smiled and she is young, mid teens? I asked her if she was sleeping there and she looked embarrassed and said "no" and I didn't believe her. It was winter at the time. She had a T-shirt on and a small rucksack and looked cold. I thought of Mindy (A KindSpring Member)  Oh well ... Read Full Story >>

2347 Reads

Beanies For The Whole School!

I had a message from my friend. A lady on her Pay It Forward page, is knitting slouch beanies for the whole school I work with (92 kids). These are kids that don't often get extras or even RAOK. I can't wait to see their faces and warm heads in winter!

2339 Reads

A Home Without Books

I was talking to one of my students yesterday who is the eldest with three younger siblings, she was telling me that the younger two girls now have a repurposed bookshelf in their bedroom.

Their Mum set out their books so that they could easily access them. Through a charity funded scheme in our school each child chooses a book to take home 4x a year, so the girls now had 6 books on their shelf.

I grew up in a book driven home. Some of my best friends were not in the playground, but on a page. The thought of not having that pleasure of the company of a book, mourn and celebrate along with the characters, cry or dance at the end... Or reading the last pages slowly because I dont want the book to end...

My best friend said she will have a look through the abundant bookshelves of her children and donate. Im going to do the same, and keep vigilant at charity shops. Im sure those girls will soon have more than 6 books between them :-)

2320 Reads

Winter Food Drive

I stopped in at the supermarket to get a few things and there were two ladies collecting food for a winter food drive for a charity. I bought a few cans of food and two chocolate bars, which I handed to them and thanked them for spending time in their weekends collecting for those in need. They both smiled and thanked me and said it was just what they needed. Before KS I wouldn't have done that, and now I'm brave enough for personal greetings and eye contact :-)

2095 Reads

Have A Fierce Mind!

I left post it notes in the park on park benches in the sun this morning. This one was my favourite (and may go on the back of the front door tomorrow) "May your heart be kind, your mind fierce and your spirit brave"

2047 Reads

Hospital Cheer

I dropped off two cheer-up gift bags (socks, bottled water, puzzle books, hand cream, lip balm...) and 15 packs that had tissues, toothbrushes, toothpaste, travel size shampoo & conditioners, lip balm, lotion... To my local hospital.

The lovely nurses gave me a hug, and said "I remember you from last time! We gave out the cheer up bags to patients straight away, and we kept a few in the cupboard. We gave those ones out on Mothers Day to patients without visitors" yay, it was nice to have feedback on how a small thing cheered someone up.

2033 Reads

Thank You For Caring When No One Else Did

My friend who I caught up with last night shared this story with me: My friend lived in an apartment that overlooked a busy street in sn inner city. On Christmas Eve, from her window she saw a woman, alone, upset and in distress. She went out and down to the street and asked if she was okay. My friend could see that all was not well. She invited the woman into her apartment, and the woman asked if she could shower. My friend said she could, gave her a fresh towel, and clean pajamas to wear. The woman showered.  About an hour later, she emerged. She said she was alone in the city and had nowhere to stay. My friend said that she could stay on the couch for the night. My friend felt that being late on Christmas Eve, it would be impossible to get social agency assistance, and it ... Read Full Story >>

2000 Reads

Trying Harder...

I'm trying really hard to 'be present' and putting my phone away and ipad away. I'm limiting my time on FB (and had a lovely comment from my son this afternoon, "Mum are you there? if you are not there, where are you?") which shows I spent too much time there, if that's their first stop to find me! My second thing on a different vein is when school goes back, no gossiping, which for me isn't saying it, its listening to it. I've got some strategies (changing the subject, walking out, and saying I'm not comfortable talking about the person when they are not there) I want my workplace to be one of kindness and I'm starting with myself.

1993 Reads

My dad, the 'Mystery Kindness Man'

Heres a lovely story I read on Reddit tonight -"My dad used to do this kind of thing every year. He'd go to our school and ask the people at the front desk if there were any families who were struggling and wouldn't be able to have a nice Christmas (small-ish town, so the school people knew him and were willing to give him some names and information). There were three of us kids, so he'd pick three families. Then we'd go shopping for them. New toys, new clothes, some little things for the parents, and lots of food for Christmas dinner. We'd sneak over to their houses when they were out and leave all the packages in front of the door. Dad would leave a card with a little bit of cash in it and sign it --Santa"

1976 Reads

Collecting Toys And Treats For The Dog Pound

I've collected a few bags of dog treats and dog toys when I've seen them on sale. Some I've left at the park with a note for someone with a dog to pick up as a RAOK, and the others I've been storing away to take to the local animal shelter as soon as I've got enough to fill a bag.

I was at the pet shop and bought some more hard rubber balls, the cashier commented that my dog must go through a lot of balls, and I told him my plan to take a bag of toys and treats to the pound. He said I had a good heart and added two more balls to the bag - free! and gave me a suggestion to email the head office and ask for their toy returns. If I can deliver them to the pound myself, then he was sure that could happen.

Here's giving it a go!

1959 Reads

Kindness from a student

One of my students made me a little book yesterday. There are many cute and funny things. I love how she spelt my name phonetically "miss Hooks" when my last name is "Hawkes" The main thing is that apparently I have a sweet nature, am kind, and the best teacher ever. On the last page of the book we travel to New York "just us" she is a lovely student, very gentle, but this was still a lovely and unexpected surprise. On that note... Off to work I go!

1926 Reads

Post It Note Love

Husband is off on his work travels. Last night I wrote little love notes (on post-it notes of course) and sneakily popped them in amongst the clothes in his suitcase. Lol, i just had a thought about him taking a meeting with one accidentally stuck on the back of his shirt! Oh well, if that happens they will all know he is loved!

1844 Reads

A Vet Client Overhears Receptionist in Conversation With a Struggling Elderly Lady

This doggy girl was off to the vet this morning for her annual check up and vaccinations. We are still scraping by financially, as my husband has been out of work for the last six months. As I was waiting, I heard the receptionist talking on the phone to an elderly client who's elderly dog had collapsed. She had no transport, so the vet said she would do a home visit after lunch. The lady must have been concerned about the cost because the receptionist said a home visit would cost as much as a clinic visit for her (usually it costs way more than a clinic visit, so I knew the lady must be struggling a bit) Our dog was her usual nut crazy. Dashing around so the vet couldn't examine her, sitting by the door like she had just had a torturous event, snatched the treats from the vet's hand. ... Read Full Story >>

1842 Reads

Simply responding with Love.

I had a phone call from one of my best friend's husband asking for my help with my friend, his wife. She has had a tough time lately and has issues stemming from an abusive childhood. Now that she is a mother herself, some of the issues are arising again, and she is having a hard time coping. It's hard to know what to do. I'm not a trained counselor or psychologist, but I am a good listener and friend. I went around to their house today, after a text message saying "No, I don't want visitors." I brought with me a big bunch of flowers (to leave on the door step if necessary) and was greeted by a teary friend. I thought of others here who have helped friends struggling with depression, and I asked if I could do anything. I just got a 'no,' so I played with the ... Read Full Story >>

1834 Reads

Be Kind To Whoever Serves You

I took my Mum and brother to our favourite organic cafe for lunch. I chatted to the server as she took our order. My brother wondered aloud if I really did eat out all the time as everywhere we went they seemed to know me. No, they just remember me because I take the time to ask them how their day is going, and thank them with gratitude for doing their jobs. Both my sons have worked in entry-level jobs, so its in the back of my mind "do you know what, this is someone's daughter or son" and treat them as I would like my sons treated :-)

1808 Reads

Another Dollar Another Day...

It was a hard day in the classroom (it rained all day and the kids were stuck inside all day), and I was extremely glad the day ended! I stopped off to get Roux some more dog food. I buy it in bulk and the young guy serving me shared his 'bad day story' we had a laugh over both of our days. He carried the heavy bag to my car for me, and I was cheered up that, perhaps my bad day wasn't so bad. It didn't involve escaped birds, rabbits or demanding customers. And that I will buy myself a nice treat on pay day (and a nice treat for someone else too).

1772 Reads

My Kindness Deed Transformed My Impatience

I picked my son up from the airport and was waiting in line to pay for my parking at a self service kiosk. The young man in front of me gasped when he saw he had to pay $15 and was using a 'coin only' machine. He started fumbling around for cash.

I'm not patient at the best of times and standing in the freezing cold wind was not improving my patience. He then realized he was going to be some time, so he took his parking ticket out of the machine so that I could use it. I thanked him and paid for my parking.

I asked him how much he was short on his parking money. He looked at the coins in his hand and said $2. So I gave him $2 and he thanked me. I commented that it was my good deed for the day. Anyway, I have my eldest son here for two days and he's food for my soul!

1735 Reads

Pyjamas For Kids In Need

I just had a phone call from my best friend. She bought 50 pairs of winter pyjamas and asked me where to drop them off!! We support our local church foodbank so they will find families in need of pjs for their children. She has a good heart.

1706 Reads

A Good Ding-Dong-Ditch

I just got a phone call from a friend that I "ding-dong-ditched." (I other words I left a package on her doorstep, rang the doorbell, and ran away before she answered.)

She said, "Thank you!" And I replied, "Hey! It was anonymous!" But I guess she figured it was me. 

She said the kids all picked something out of the bag and went off very happily. She added that it was lovely to put her feet up at the end of the day with some treats to munch on.

1649 Reads

Raok In Action

I left two glow bracelets on a picnic table by the park and went off for our beach walk. We walked Roux on the beach and walked back past just as two girls and their father sat down at the table. The girls commented, and their Dad read the note aloud commenting on it being a Random Act of Kindness. Not often do we see our AOK in action, being picked up and appreciated, but it did cause a happiness spike for both of us!  

1648 Reads

An Knitter's Anonymous Act to Keep a Small Person Warm

An anonymous knitter left this for me at work. Its to take to my other job which supports families and newborn babies with practical help, and bags of clothing. The knitter wanted to be anonymous. It was really a gift of love and will keep a small person warm.

1647 Reads

'kiwicat' Also Commented on These Stories

I See You

Being Kind To Someone It's Hard To Be Kind To

An Elderly Woman's Cry Led To This Beautiful Act Of Kindness And Connection

What you wouldn't do for a friend

Shopping to donate to the local food pantry

Going the extra mile, because they deserve it

Visions of Cheeseburgers

Perfect Timing

Kindness is Contagious

Kindness on the road to home

Guerrila Repairs for the Homeless Folks

More Than A Munchie Box For Her Birthday

Handmade Magnet


Scones For New Neighbors

You made my day

Nearly Two Months Ago ...

A Simple Cup of Coffee

A Green Dove

Sunflower Saturday!Hello Friends~Saturday I ...