Readers Comments
splain wrote: Such a beautiful post "Rosemarie". There is so much good in the world and we forget that when we read about the terrible things. This post gives hope and a belief that the world is still a beautiful place
mnc_91 wrote: Kindness overload :-)
horsegirl21 wrote: there definitely is still good in the world :) thanks for the reminder
mindyjourney wrote: This is the news that is true and good <3 and the more we focus on the more we receive of the same :))). Tx for sharing your beautiful happy tears with us and the good news! :))
lya348 wrote: I so needed this today! Thank you for posting such wonderful stories of love and compassion happening right under our noses. With all the doom and gloom of the media it's hard to remember the positive that is happening all the time.
Mish wrote: Our media needs to give attention to all the good on our world!!
yoananya13 wrote: Soo very true
debmeron wrote: Wow...what wonderful stories...
kjoyw wrote: Thank you for sharing your happy, heartfelt stories and tears with is. You should share some of theses stories with your local news media. Many need to hear these.
leoladyc728 wrote: so many beautiful and touching stories. thank you for keep sharing them