Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

--by RoseMarie, posted Sep 6, 2016

"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in 7 years. ' Mark Twain

My 23 year old daughter and I embody the female version of the above quote. When I left her father about 12 years ago she chose to stay with him. He was very acrimonious about the break up and unfortunately stoked her anger fire. She literally had nothing to do with me for about 5 years, no contact, no presents to me, no overnight stays. It broke my heart.

Now she works near my home. She has often slept on the settee in my home and I so love this.

Last Mother's Day she sent me the card below,  it says:

To Mum

Hope you have a nice Mother's Day
Thanks for all the nice dinners recently and support around work.
It's nice to see how far we have come.

Love Nicola

Last week I reconverted my study (aka dumping ground) into a bedroom for her. Today a new bed and mattress arrived and I went to Belfast to buy duvets, pillows, scatter cushions, curtains, lampshade etc to make this into the room my daughter should have had in my home 12 years ago. She has really loved being able to input into this room for her and I have really loved creating a little special personal space for her in my home.

In the end, they usually work it out but I can tell you I really learned so much by way of practicing patience in those painful early days.

I hope my little daughter who is now a young 23 year old woman never distances herself from me again, no child should be without a Mother's love. X

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Of course, tears filled me eyes from this. Wish I could put into words what I am feeling. Suffice it to say, I am happy for you both. 💕
scushman wrote: beautiful story, 💕Namaste 🙏∞🌍☪✝✡☯☮☸💕
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for making a home for daughter <3. How wonderful to witness the healing of your heart <3.
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful story. So glad your daughter has come home
mnc_91 wrote: I am so very happy you found each others home... Your each others heart:-)
Rajni wrote: I think, Thinking Positively only, change our lives for better if we put 100% FAITH in it with belief and positive emotions. Have Faith in God you believe in that He is always there to help you, no matter what. Your LOVE for her brought her back to you. Not thinking of separation can bring us together. I read one story whose husband left her. Everyday she was setting dinner plates for her husband and believed with full faith that he will come. After one year he came for ever and lived happily thereafter.
DANCE wrote: what a wonderful story, so happy for you both
Novice50 wrote: Another beautiful story straight from your heart Rosemarie. Thank you for sharing.
Marleen wrote: Hurt people hurt people. May you both be healing well, for it surely sounds that way 😊
May this ispire more people to reestablishs lovely bonds!
Virginia wrote: Glad you can share the love you kept for her. Best wishes to both of you.

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