Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Paying Forward Parking Spots

--by kiwicat, posted Sep 10, 2016
Parking on my street is an ongoing issue. I live near a 'popular' part of the city with lots of cafes, restaurants and boutique shops. It's a great place to live, but parking is at its premium with both shoppers and people from out of the area who park for the day and walk to work. We are a few weeks away from getting a 'residents only' parking scheme but for now parking is scarce

Yesterday I did four laps of the block and still couldn't find a parking space, so my neighbor from up the road moved his car so I could park there. Today it was my turn. I saw my neighbor from across the road (a different neighbor) drive past twice, so I waved out to him and grabbed my car keys and moved my car so he could squeeze in and park behind me. He was grateful to be able to unload his 1-year old and 3-year old instead of walking goodness knows how far to get home.
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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very nice, way to go!
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for. making and holding space for each other :))
scushman wrote: wonderful! 💕Namaste 🙏∞🌍☪✝✡☯☮☸💕
leoladyc728 wrote: it is so easy for you to be kind
dandeliongirl wrote: I'm sorry that you have that parking issue right now and i hope the Residents Only Permits happens quickly and helps you and your neighbors. So wonderful for you all to help each other during the process.
Novice50 wrote: everyday kindness matters a lot!
Mish wrote: Nice circle of kindness there.

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