Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Few Good Deeds And An Update

--by KraftKindness, posted Oct 17, 2016

First, some acts of kindness my fiancee and I have done recently:

One sweltering hot day, we were on our way into Sam's Club to pick up something, and saw a homeless man and his dog sitting on the curb at the exit. When we left, he was walking away, but we stopped him and asked if he would like a water for himself and his pooch. He seemed so grateful for the offer, I wasn't completely sure if it was because he (or his dog) was thirsty for water, or just thirsty for compassion... it is my sincerest hope that our two measly little bottles of water helped with both that day.

On another occasion, we heard through the grapevine that a friend of a friend, who happened to be a single mother of three (one of them a newborn) were displaced out of their home due to a fire in their kitchen. We sent her some money to help her out, because they were having to stay in a hotel while waiting on the house to be fixed. I ended up being glad we had decided to help her, because the very next day, we found out that the person with whom she was living had told her she wasn't welcome back. She has since found a friend to stay with and she and her children at least have a roof over their heads.

Finally, we had some new neighbors move onto our street, and I cooked them some muffins and took them over to them, welcoming them to our neighborhood. They seemed really surprised (as did the last neighbor which I did this for) but appreciative for the welcome. I guess most people don't bother welcoming new neighbors anymore... but I'm glad to keep the tradition alive... even if it does make them think I'm a little odd, lol!

Lastly, I would like to update everyone on my Alzheimer's Walk... I am only $27.00 from my 2016 goal of $500! I am so excited to (nearly) reach my goal! I never thought I would come so close!

Thank you to everyone, and thank you all for all of the kindness you spread on a daily basis! It brings me such joy to see all of these good vibes being sent out into the Universe!
1621 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Full of AWESOME!!! Bless.
splain wrote: So much giving and caring in your post. Everything you did was great but don't ever change how you welcome neighbors. They don't think you are odd at all, just were pleasantly surprised. Thank you for All that you do.
kjoyw wrote: This is just full of wonderful!
alisamom wrote: Wow so much kindness, that's wonderful of you!
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for being such a kindness force, my friend :))
leoladyc728 wrote: you are a kindness angel
balou wrote: What an array of good deeds!! And I'd just have loved you welcoming me to your neighbourhood! Agree with splain that they were surely pleaseantly surprised!
123ABCD wrote: You are so amazing, my friend! God will certainly bless you for this. You are such an inspiration. <3

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