Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pregnant Woman in Labor Chauffeured By Bus

--by RoseMarie, posted Nov 17, 2016

Just read this post online about a 27 week pregnant woman got a bus to go to the nearest hospital. She was having contractions. The bus man knew this. As she approached her stop she got up from her seat. The driver told her to sit down. He then announced to the rest of the passengers that he was taking a detour for the following 4 bus stops and they could get off the bus and get another new route if they wished. The driver then drove the expectant woman to the doors of the hospital, got off the bus with her and brought her right to the hospital doors. 

The following day, the woman rang the bus company from hospital hoping to find out if the driver had got into trouble. She found that only one person on the bus filed a complaint. The driver also rang the company after he returned to the bus and explained the situation. The bus company gave the driver a commendation.

The new mum said her newborn son's life had been saved by the bus driver's actions.

Isn't this just wonderful! Never estimate the power of kindness especially spontaneous kindness my friends.  Often those  who need kindness the  most, would never ask for it, being sensitive to this need  is a kindness in itself. X 
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Readers Comments

dianne4 wrote: Only one person complained. Let us celebrate all the people who supported the driver. Far more!
kjoyw wrote: Oh, I love this story! Thank you so much for sharing it so well.
AndiCas wrote: Great story! Can you imagine, someone actually complained .... what were they thinking????
alisamom wrote: What a lovely story!, while it shows that there are complainers everywhere it also shows that there are a lot more people that are kind and helpful. Just lovely
Mish wrote: NYC bus drivers are often unbelievably kind too. This woman had an angel bus driver that day. ❤️
gardengal10 wrote: What an uplifting story.
savraj wrote: Above and beyond!!! I love it!!!
mindyjourney wrote: Those bus drivers are all heart <3!
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful story. How could that person complain?

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