Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Extra Ticket

--by gardengal10, posted Dec 23, 2016
Our concert was performed this past weekend. We are a community volunteer group of singers. I don't volunteer as much as I should, so I generally purchase a block of tickets to give to people that I know might be going.

Yesterday, I found myself with one unused ticket before the concert. Not giving it away would just mean that there was extra money in the till. Instead, I went to the ticket table and told the person selling tickets that this was going to be Random Act Of Kindness.

She was to give the ticket to the next person who was going to purchase a ticket. I don't know who it was. I didn't see the ticket seller later. I do wish that I could have seen the look on the attendee's face and I wonder if they might have given an extra donation or passed the kind act forward.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: yay! Great RAOK, my friend :)))). Musical giving <3....have a SMILE card to share with the give as well? :)))
Mish wrote: I know you put a smile on their face :)))). Well done!
DANCE wrote: great, surely it inspired some ripples :-)
kjoyw wrote: Love those kindness ripples!
Novice50 wrote: I'm sure there was at least a smile and a grateful heart.
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for sharing the ticket.
Rajni wrote: People like surprise and this is no exception. Happiness both way. Well done job. Thanks for sharing.

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