Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Samaritan Daughter Nicola Bringing Warmth To Others

--by RoseMarie, posted Dec 19, 2016
I just love my daughter Nicola. She is 23 but does not live with me. This evening though she rang me to ask if she could borrow an electric heater for someone at work whose boiler has packed in. They are going to be without heat for a few days. Nicola also has a heater which she can lend but she does not live near her work place whereas I live 5 minutes away. She will also bring her electric heater in tomorrow for this guy.

I love that Nicola wanted to help someone who needed help. I also love that she knew I would help and so she had no hesitation asking me. She just called to collect the heater. The person she is helping is a supervisor who has been mega nasty to her. This truly brings tears to my eyes, as she left to bring the heater to him she said 'I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight knowing he was cold.' I love her big heart, it really is massive. This so reminds me of kindnesses she would do for others which she was a young child; when she was about 8 years of age she was presented with a trophy in school for being a good Samaritan.

Her supervisor may be kept warm with the electric heater but my heart will be warm every time I think of Nicola's big kind heart. 💓

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Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: Nicola is her mother's daughter. You paved the way for her kindnesses.
pyronik wrote: that's so great, & to show such kindness rather than holding a grudge is admirable :-)
Rajni wrote: Like mother like daughter. Kindness is everybody's mom. Every mom who propagate selfless love. No one in this world can equal mom's love. Thanks for sending it our way to feel.
mindyjourney wrote: Was thinking the mother like daughter <3. Thank you for sharing the warmth of a mother's love and appreciation :)
splain wrote: RoseMarie, it is in the beautiful genes. She so takes after you
kjoyw wrote: Such a kind daughter!
Lilijourney wrote: Like mother, like daughter . You have raised a lovely lady :))
1sher wrote: Well done mama! It warms my heart as well!
mish wrote: You resisted her well, RoseMarie!!
kensinozone wrote: She was raised well and i love that please don't stop her from doing good to other

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