Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Letter Earthlings

--by ChandniS, posted Dec 17, 2016
For context - Friends and I started what are now flourishing social initiatives - The Goodwill Tribe and Letter Earthlings. At a Letter Earthlings event, people come together to write letters of love, support and encouragement for strangers. The community is invited to nominate people in their lives who are going through a tough time to receive these letters and it is these stories that are presented at the events.

We hosted an event in Dubai a few weeks ago and for the first time ever, little kids joined us. We were AMAZED by their words of purity, innocence and wisdom :) Here's a really cute and inspiring letter from a 7 year old to a woman battling cancer.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Such a sweet letter of encouragement, my friend! Thank you for sharing about Letter Earthlings and the Goodwill Tribe :))). Amazing kindness ripples...<3.
patjos wrote: What a wonderful initiative. I'm sure it will help many people. Sometimes we just need to know that there are many friends around us sending us love and good wishes. Thank you.
splain wrote: What you do flows so far. Love the letter written by that 7yr old.
Rajni wrote: Kids are so innocent that is why God listens to them. And there is no doubt about listening to this girl of age 7. May God bless her and her wishes come true.
ChandniS wrote: Thanks for all the comments :) You guys are awesome!
mish wrote: Such a powerful kindness idea!!! Bless you all.

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