Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Reverse Advent Calendars

--by Helenconnell2, posted Dec 16, 2016
One of our local churches suggested putting an item each day during Advent in a bag for the food bank.

In previous years I have used a calendar provided by Oxfam or Christian Aid which suggested you did things like putting 10p in a collection for each light you have.

So I am trying to combine the two. Buy a second item to put in the food bank. I don’t feel comfortable putting it altogether after Christmas so I donate what I have collected each week.
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: lovely give.
patjos wrote: Mrs Patjos has started one at home too, with each of the children choosing an item to add to our box. A lovely idea reminding us of the joy of giving.
mnc_91 wrote: The best calendar ever 😊
mindyjourney wrote: I began putting a food item under the Christmas tree last year during advent :))) and the give continued thru the year :)))). So enjoy putting my focus on those in need every day <3. Thank you for doing, my friend :)
kiwicat wrote: Nice idea.
Mish wrote: A very kind thing to do. x
kjoyw wrote: Thatnos what we are doing at our church. We put something in a box everyday. We call them Advent Boxes!

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