Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Why Mothers Are So Special

--by vsoul, posted May 10, 2009

Why Mothers are so special...

When I came home in the rain,

Brother asked, "Why didn't you take an umbrella?"

Sister advised, "Why didn't you wait till the rain stopped?"

Father angrily warned, "Only after getting cold, will you realize."

But Mother, while drying my hair, said, "Stupid rain! Couldn't it wait, till my child came home?"


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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: Your post made me chuckle since I could see myself doing that especially now with grandbabies..AND I LOVE THE RAIN !! LOL! :)
innerjourney wrote: ahh...thats the love of a Mother....thanks for sharing...God bless you:)
helpinghand wrote: Yes, Mother is really GREAT. Thanks for sharing.
Ashly wrote: Beautiful post about the love of a mother.Thanks Vibha for sharing it with us:)
faizan wrote: Yet another simple way to describe the best relation in this universe. In just few words you have boxed an expression worth millions. Thanks so much for your input on this.

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