Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sands Leave for Stones to Live

--by Nandi, posted Jun 16, 2009

Often we forget how to truly live. Here is a tale to remind you:

Two lifelong friends were walking through the desert. At some point during the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one on the face. 

The one who got slapped was hurt,
but without saying anything, he wrote in the sand:


They kept on walking until they found an oasis,
where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him.
After he recovered from the harrowing near-death experience, he wrote on a stone: 



The friend who had both slapped and
saved his best friend, asked him,
"After I hurt you, you wrote in the
sand and after I saved you, you wrote on a stone. Why?"

The other friend replied, "when someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can blow it away. Yet, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever sweep it away."

Let the story be a friendly reminder that teaches us that living means to let the sand blow our hurts away and let the stone memorialize our happy moments in life.
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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Beautiful reminder. Thank you!
JuneBug wrote: I wrote 'stove'...I meant 'stone' ..Shows you where I spend MY time...LOL!!!
FairyBubbles wrote: Oh that is wonderful - thank you.
lmil1954 wrote: Profound Nandi!!! Perfectly precious! Love, Linda:)
JuneBug wrote: That's a good one, Nandi!!..I don't mind using my finger to write in the sand, but ,BOY!, it sure hurts to use my finger on the stove! BUT it is written in blood.....:)

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