Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Clothed In Love

--by RoseMarie, posted Jan 21, 2017
Yesterday my sister Berni came to see me after she finished work. She brought me some new clothes for my return to work. There were 2 new pair of shoes, 3 tops and a dress. They were all beautiful.

She knows I am returning to work in about 10 days and she said "I got these because I didn't think you'd have had a chance to shop and get some things yourself.'

Truth is, I don't have the money to get new clothes to return to work and I've no doubt she knows this. So, I've been clothed in love by my very beautiful, considerate, generous and loving sister. I laughed and told her she's keeps me nice.

She is a good person as is her husband Philip, I couldn't begin to list their kindnesses to me. Just when I think they can do no more, they surpass all expectations.

I will be putting this post in the book I am going to make her for her birthday in February.

So, to Berni, you are a beautiful, loving, kind, unassuming, generous humble , compassionate, thoughtful and Christian person. I'm so proud to call you my sister and. I'm sorry for pushing you into the water off the stepping stones when you were a child making you afraid of stepping stones thereafter. Lol

I hope some day I will be able to repay you and your beautiful, generous, loving, kind, unassuming, compassionate, thoughtful and Christian husband Philip. Until then, remember I love you both. Thank you to you both for clothing me in love. X
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: God sends us what we need. Here you got help from God sent sister. Wish you all the best in your job you will start. Thanks for sharing.
mindyjourney wrote: Beautiful gifts from your dear sister and her husband :))). 10 days?? Will go by fast! Envisioning a wonderful return for you. And thanks to Bernie! <3
leoladyc728 wrote: You will feel so special in your new clothes. thank Berni from us for being so kind to you. Wow! back to work already. Time flies.
Pyronik wrote: :-) I love the way she phrased it. & your message is so great. Good luck for your return to work - you'll rock :-)
splain wrote: Your Berni sounds like such a delight. Beautiful, thoughtful and loving sister.
Mnc_91 wrote: Such a beautiful way to receive such a beautiful coat of love :-)
DANCE wrote: You are so lucky to have a sister such as her

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