Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Acts Of Kindness Inspired By Women's March

--by gardengal10, posted Jan 25, 2017
Tomorrow is presidential Inauguration day in the United States. I wish that I could say that I feel better than I did the day after the November election, but I don't. Some friends are taking part in the Women's (and some men) March in Chicago to coordinate with the March on Saturday in Washington, D.C. They are not marching as a protest but rather in solidarity with values that we hold dear. I had other commitments on Saturday, but what could I do as a positive action?

I came up with a plan. I purchased five $5 gift cards from a food store chain, tucked it into an envelope with a peace dove (the best of my hand-made bunch), prayer card tucked into wing, and a Smile Card. They will be placed on unsuspecting car windshields as I go about my chores on Friday and Saturday. (hopefully, the rain that is hitting my windows now will be over by tomorrow).
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for focusing on the positive, my friend :))). Doves are on their way...but I'm sure yours are perfect :)).
RoseMarie wrote: This is a great kindness idea gardengal especially on a day when your country needs to know kindness prevails amongst the people. God Bless you x 💓
Lilijourney wrote: I am participating here in Sacramento. Your idea is a wonderful endearment of our mutual solidarity.😊👌💗
splain wrote: I so like your idea. All about being positive.
healingtree wrote: It seems so so very important for all of us (in any country) at this time of (imho) pervasive human-animal-earth-damaging changes to counter the slide into greed and hatred. What you are doing is a step in that direction and I am so heartened to read this. May more of us do likewise, in our own way. Bless and rooting for all marchers tomorrow--whether in an organised march or marching to the beat of their own drum!
leoladyc728 wrote: Many protests are happening in the U.S. So many of us are not very happy with this election, but people voted for him, so we just have to accept what comes our way
alisamom wrote: That's a great plan. One of my friends will be of all screens tomorrow and make peace cranes instead.
Mnc_91 wrote: Such a wonderful weekend kindness attract :-)
Novice50 wrote: We are marching in San Diego tomorrow (Saturday) supporting the rights of all humans to live with dignity and respect.
kjoyw wrote: What a wonderful thing to focus on kindness today. But please understand that you are not alone, as many of us are trying to do this simply because we don't feel any better either. Actually felt worse on Friday than I imagined I would. Many of us lost a bit of hope back in November and we really have to work to get it back! And doing acts of kindness is the best work. But what made a huge difference for me was watching all the matches and rallies today. It really boosted my spirits.

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