Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: to be of service and realize our loving connect is such a joy, my friend...thank you for doing and sharing :)).
janfour wrote: what a wonderful gift of sharing for you both. i am so glad you wrote about it here. thank you
Lilijourney wrote: Writing about this successful connection is a great thing. Be observant about how lovely connections are, keep journaling, and remember to be especially kind to yourself. I'm sending you 💗 And ðŸ™
livemylife wrote: much grateful KS friends:)
Alisamom wrote: What a wonderful visit and what a great friend you have. Thanks for sharing the connection here!
1sher wrote: Lovely- your pain gives me tears but so does your joy~peace
Rajni wrote: We all know that good people meet good people. , Positive Thinking plays part in it too. Thank God He sent you at the right place at the right time. Thanks for sharing your meeting story.
Mish wrote: Your paths crossed for just this reason. Divine intervention. Open-hearted shared love is our great healer. Bless you both.💞
splain wrote: You were so meant to be connected to this lovely lady.
leoladyc728 wrote: that was some connection. so glad she is in your life