Stories of Kindness from Around the World

$100 Hero Changes a Family's Life Forever

--by lynzall, posted Jun 8, 2009

I read an article in my local paper a while ago, and it really stuck with me.   There was a couple in my neighbourhood whose house had been badly damaged in a hail storm we had earlier in the year. I remember it well and so did my car, hailstones almost the size of baseballs.

Anyway I read this article a few months after the storm that this couple didn't have insurance and they had just bought their first home, they had been saving for five years to get their home. They were a fairly young couple and unfortunately their home was badly damaged in the hail. They had most of their house damaged, not only by the hail but a tree outside their house had fallen and destroyed a a section of the house. They didn't have money to repair because all their money was going into just buying the place, and they couldn't move, as they couldn't afford it.

Then one day just when they were thinking nothing would get better, they came home from work and found an envelope in their mail box.  When they opened it they found $100 with a message that said, "I have been driving past your house on my way to work for the last month, you look like you need this more than I do, best of luck.

No name was left, it was simply a random act of kindness.

This had led them to write to the local paper thanking the random stranger.  The article later caught the eye of some other companies who  vounteered to cover the costs of repairs to the couple's home.  The story ended with the couple saying that they are really grateful and try to share the kindness with their neighbors, and try to keep an eye out for their random hero.

I was really inspired by this story and it is the reason I try to do things for others every chance I get.  It also proves the theory that one random act of kindness has the ability to change the world because it inspired others to help. And while it might not be the whole world,  it's a start and you never know, someone reading this may be inspired to help someone else out today.

Kind regards

Lyndall de. N

Dare to care and share. 

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: You just never know....Thank you for your wonderful post,Lyndall!!! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Like June said, you never know. Thanks for sharing this story!
lovebug wrote: I was inspired, who knows were that will lead, only time will tell, but you did start the ball rolling. Thanks for mentioning Leo Buscaglia, I haven't heard that name in a long time, but I did read some of his writting when I was young, could be why I feel the human touch has so power. Who know who touched my heart, Leo was amoung the top twenty on my list.
vsoul wrote: Wonderful idea. Very inspiring indeed. Thanks Lyndall.
AURELIA wrote: That proves it! RAOK can get the job done.:0) Smiles are contagious ~ Aurelia
sethi wrote: Somebody intentions were strong enough
to see the couple's house was repaired. Thank you sharing.
myfbil wrote: I love the message and your quote. I have a quote by Le Buscaglia taped to the front of my computer monitor. It reads,"Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means." He's a very wise man and certainly has shared words of wisdom to inspire so many.
Thanks for sharing this story of a random act of kindness.
It's a pleasure to be new friends with YOU! Linda
Daniel Sage wrote: I think it is great that a person would do this and i think any other kind people would have done the same
Jacinda wrote: Thank you lyndall so much for sharing! We never know what is in the future and what is going to happen to any of us tomorrow so we should live each day to the fullest and take each day as a blessing and just be thankful that we are alive :) it was a very inspirational post and wonderful idea! Thanks again, jacinda
cabbage wrote: What a terrific story. You are right--any random act of kindness can spark others to do the same. Thanks for sharing, and much luck to the young couple! :-)

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