Stories of Kindness from Around the World

To The Mother At The Supermarket--I See Myself In You

--by kiwicat, posted Feb 26, 2017
I posted this on my FB page a few days ago - There was a young mother in front of me in the checkout line paying for her groceries. The cashier told her the total and she started counting out cash, and then frantically looking for some more money in her bag. I could have judged her, and in a way I did... she looked scruffy, and looked like life was not easy for her. Her two kids were just beautiful, but sitting in the front of the trolley - both of them crying.

She clearly couldn't find any more money in her purse so asked for a few items to be taken out. First it was the box of plums and secondly it was body wash. She only had a few essential items in the trolley anyway.

I stepped up (and wondered how well my 'help' would be received) and offered to pay the difference. The mother said "no thanks, I'm okay" and I said "I've been in that situation before, and more than likely will be again, please let me get the plums for your beautiful daughters and the body wash too" she said "really?" it was only $7 for me.

We saw them again in the carpark, and both kids were eating apples, and weren't crying anymore. It made my heart sad, perhaps they were crying before because they were hungry.

Even though times are a bit challenging at the moment, it really made me feel even more grateful for everything we have.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: thank you for letting go of judgement and listening to your heart <3.
Rajni wrote: Heart over head is good for Kindness. Good job done. Thanks for sharing.
splain wrote: Oh, you did well. When they say no, it is so hard to accept but you found the right words. Thanks for doing this
kjoyw wrote: Beautiful and true giving. Bless you.
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for sharing especially since times are challenging for you. Such true kindness
Mish wrote: Tearful reading this. Thank you for helping them. Bless you.
Sanyogita wrote: U did a very good job. Your judgment towards that lady worked out bcz now a days people are least intersted what other people problems are n they wont stop to help them.
But u did it. You judged her stopped to helpher. U could see smiles on those kids face.
autumnsky38 wrote: Thanks for sharing this. I know what you mean about how the feeling of sudden greatfulness can hit you when seeing how little someone else has. Bless you. : )

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