Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Sweet Surprise for the Post Lady

--by iferlamb, posted Jun 22, 2009

Yesterday I wanted to leave a nice surprise for our Postal Carrier.  I called the Post Office to ask who would be delivering our mail.  They gave me her name, Michelle. 

So, I put a cake ball (which is the most decadent thing you have ever eaten) in a red plastic heart I had from a Valentine's gift which I had saved to use on just such an occasion.  It fit just perfect! 

I added a SMILE card to the outside with a couple of small pieces of tape.  I put it in an envelope.  I wrote To:  Michelle and drew a "stamp" on it myself with a little heart.  On the bottom I wrote "Pay it FORWARD". 

I put it in the place the carrier always picks up our outgoing mail.  My plan was for her to just scoop it all up and go to the next suite and find it a few minutes later, or when she got back to her truck, but when she came in I greeted her as I do each day and she picked up the outgoing mail.  I was trying to look busy but I couldn't help peeking around my computer to see if it would go according to plan.  She is very thorough and checked each piece when she got to that envelope she proclaimed "Is this for me?!" with a big smile.  I said "Yes." being the only one in the office who knew about it.  She replied "Thank you!"  And I said "Just Pay it forward Girl!" 

I was outside when she was driving away, having finished delivering to our strip center, and you could see her smiling filling the whole windshield!  I called out to her "Love the Smile!" with a BIG thumbs up. 

So, the anonymous thing didn't work this time around but it was worth it to see that SMILE! 

Spreading smiles is such a wonderful thing!  I just love it!!!   

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Readers Comments

ilovecheese wrote: That is a great story it made me smile
Aurelia wrote: What a splendid idea! I am smiling just thinking about see her face smiling so big! Good for you. You've started a little ripple effect. I hope the kindness ripples far and wide!

You're an inpsiration to us!

Annie wrote: That was simply awesome :)
Jacinda wrote: Wow what a fantastic story!!!!!!!! I loved it :) Thank you so much for sharing. What a big heart you have. Have a awesome day, Jacinda
unknown wrote: Lovely heart-warming story !
:) deepula ...

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