Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Roses For Everyone!

--by RoseMarie , posted Mar 29, 2017
The best way to feel love is to give love and today I'm feeling a lot of love.

This morning I went to the supermarket and bought a dozen beautiful red roses. I then brought them to the hospital with me when I went to my fracture clinic appointment. Where better to give love than in a hospital setting?

I gave roses to various women visiting loved ones as they walked through the parking lot. I gave roses to two elderly ladies who were waiting to be collected from reception. One had a badly bruised face (I think she had perhaps had a fall), and the other lady just looked sad.

I gave a rose to Maria as well. She was in the shop being pushed in a wheelchair by her teenage daughter. I later saw her husband smile at me. Maria was admitted to the hospital yesterday. She was so touched by the rose; I told her she'd probably not be allowed to keep the rose in hospital and to hide it. She insisted on keeping it!

When I arrived at the fracture clinic, I saw a woman in a wheelchair. She was about mid 40's. Yes, she got a rose too. Initially unknown to me was that she also had special needs and was very shy about taking a rose. She was accompanied by two older ladies and a man. The older ladies were really touched that I'd given their family member a rose and as I sat waiting for my appointment, I heard them telling the lady in the wheelchair how wonderful I'd been and how great that she'd got a rose on Valentine's Day. As I left the fracture clinic, another lady was sitting in a wheelchair. I noticed she was alone and had a chest brace on; of course she got a rose too.

I thought I'd have trouble giving out 11 red roses but I could easily have given away 100 so why give away only 11 red roses when I had a dozen? Well, there's a simple reason for that, I held one back for Charlotte who lives in supported housing near my home and who I sometimes give a lift. I hope she's at home when I call.

It warms my heart when I think of the joy on these faces today. Faces of women who were worrying about loved ones and faces on women who were at the hospital seeking medical attention. Hopefully they all brought a little love home with their rose and will lovingly reflect on the love given to them today by a stranger.

I got more love and joy from gifting these dozen red roses than would have been possible if I'd been personally gifted with them.

Love for others; always a win-win. 💖
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: You are one beauty-full woman! 💕Rose🌹Marie💕
pyronik wrote: how wonderful, thank you :-)
1sher wrote: I love this- your post really brightened my day!
AndiCas wrote: Always. It sounds like you've had a wonderful day.
gardengal10 wrote: Acts of unselfish love.
splain wrote: That was such a thoughtful, beautiful give Rosemany
mindyjourney wrote: That's the way to give, my dear rosemarie, from the heart and with such love <3. Thank you!
leoladyc728 wrote: what a fantastic day you had sharing your love and those roses
kjoyw wrote: Really wonderful Valentine's Day sharing of love, dear 🌹Marie!
Virginia wrote: Thoughtful and caring. Those roses created a memory that will be held for a long time.

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