Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Learning To Receive

--by laughingsoul, posted Apr 11, 2017
To be kind is a natural way of being, but to show, share, gift our love and kindness unconditionally, more often is a proof of  freedom. Could it be  a freedom purified from all the fears and mistrust, freedom from "what will it be thought of me if I do it" , freedom from expectations and, so important, freedom from self doubt, shame, and hesitance to receive back when we gift unconditionally.

Kindness was always part of my life yet I always miss so many opportunities to do more acts, limiting self to only one percent or even less of what my mind comes up with,  wonder why?

Today's story is about a new friendship made in the bus. We talked all the way to the city's center, and we ended up at a coffee shop where we spent more hours talking. We had a good time. Before saying good bye exchanged our phone numbers. When we met again, she brought a small gift saying that she was too ashamed to tell her daughter she received a cake from a stranger so she gifted me back a small token. My first impulse was to refuse, a moment almost felt unhappy, but I reminded myself that in order to give I have to learn how to receive also. I took it, thanking gratefully, and we will meet as friends again.

Sometimes avoidance of obligation may be like a brake for many kind acts, will I be able to chose not to use it?.. My Wish is to go full speed  with every  kindness vehicle that I can meet. One day, hopefully, when I will lose my fear of speed.  
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Thank you for this open-hearted share, much of which resonates for me, dear laughingsoul.
splain wrote: This is such a wonderful, heartfelt post.
mindyjourney wrote: It's a beautiful thing when we learn that receiving really is like giving :)))). Thank you for being open and sharing with us. Full on, my friend!!!
Lilijourney wrote: Open my heart wide, reading this loving heart full missive, may I continue on my own journey to be a vehicle of fluidity and grace 🙏✨💞 Inspiring.
Rajni wrote: Thanks for this beautiful post. Wish you all the best. Nothing happens without a reason. Just add positivity to your thinking. Your friendship will bloom. You made good decision to accept gift back and not hurting her feelings. Trust in God.
kjoyw wrote: Lovely share!
pkindian03 wrote: Each and every word in first paragraph is so relatable. :)
Thanks for the encouragement & it seems a beautiful meeting. :)
Your post does inspire to lose all shame, self-doubt and hesitance. Thank you :)

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