Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Her Neighbors Yearly Blooms Inspired An Act of Kindness In Appreciation

--by gardengal10, posted Apr 27, 2017
A neighbor down the street sows marigold and zinnia seeds in a small spot in her front yard. When the flowers finally bloom, they are so cheerful looking.

It's springtime here and every shop has a rack with veggie or flower seeds to entice. I picked up a packet of zinnia seeds this week and included them with a little note expressing my appreciation for her efforts each year. I'll drop them in her mail slot when I take my walk today.
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Readers Comments

balou wrote: So kind! Yes, I love it as well to see the beautiful flowers other people keep & plant ... unfortunately there are not too many around here in the city, but some people started to plant flowers into the small open areas below the trees ... I so enjoy these :-)
Painiacs wrote: How sweet
Helenconnell2 wrote: That's lovely.
Mish wrote: You are spreading "seeds of kindness" x
mindyjourney wrote: Love this expression and support of neighbor's kindness blooms! Well done, my friend!
leoladyc728 wrote: that was nice to show your appreciation
autumnsky38 wrote: Nice of you! I love flowers and admire people who can grow them and keep them healthy and beautiful. What a gift that is!

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