Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Rain Deterred Their Plans, So They All Pulled Together To Help The University Choir Get To Their Destination

--by gardengal10, posted May 2, 2017
It began to rain yesterday morning and it still hasn't stopped. Rain suggests gentle. It has not been gentle. The rain barrel, waiting to be attached to the downspout, was knocked over, not to mention a few chairs in the patio are on their sides. The university choir was to be transported to our venue by 4:45 p.m.

They would be missing dinner at their dorm so one of our choir members prepared both a vegetarian meal as well as a non-vegetarian meal for the 25 singers. Others of us prepared side-dishes. Their bus never arrived for them. In the pouring rain, they had to take the "L" from Hyde Park to a stop near our concert site.

Several of our members, attired in concert dress (long black skirts, tuxedos) drove to the station making several trips to pick up the student singers, and not all of them arrived on the same train. It was amazing to see the number of volunteers, dripping wet themselves volunteering again to drive the students back to the university.

The beauty of this was seeing everyone giving of themselves. Not only that, but offering to drive the students the distance back to the university, which was not a short commute. After many phone calls, still not quite certain what happened to arrival bus, but there was a bus awaiting to take them back. Hopefully, everything will be in order today.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Wow! How wonderfully everyone pitched in like that. Beautiful kind-hearted souls. Bless you all. ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: so wonderful how all pulled together! been raining the same here as well :)))
Novice50 wrote: Beautiful sharing of energy, time, and kindness.
healingtree wrote: So nice to read this....warming....
kjoyw wrote: So nice that all could pull together despite the weather.
splain wrote: A lot of people pulling together for a good result.
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful how everyone got together to help. So hope it went well
lizonglin wrote: Good deeds in temwork
lizonglin wrote: Good deeds with teamwork

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