Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Buddy Bench

--by mindyjourney, posted Jul 13, 2017
Won't you be a buddy?

Photo is of the artist in residence at the health club for the last few days. She's been painting a "buddy bench" for the children's camp to use!

When a child is feeling lonely and needs a caring friendship or someone to play with, they take a seat on the bench, clueing others into how they feel.

How wonderful is that?

Had a nice chat with the artist and gave her a Peace dove, which she hung on her sign board right away.

Truly! We are creating a kinder, more Peace-filled, loving and compassionate world. Grateful for all my "buddies!"

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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: The bench is like a child psychology work bench. This beautiful idea makes it easy for children to get help they needed without offending them. Hope people emulate this idea to help children all over the world. Thanks for sharing.
Mish wrote: More and more, these "buddy benches" are catching on. Glad to see this.
Mish wrote: What a novel idea!! I love this. So kind too 👍❤️
Rajni wrote: Children will love this beautiful bench.
RoseMarie wrote: I love this x 💓
Lilijourney wrote: Having a buddy bench at the health club is a glorious addition 🤗
AndiCas wrote: I love the idea of a buddy bench. I hope people aren't too shy to admit to wanting a friend.
autumnsky38 wrote: Oh that's a great idea! I love how people come up with such neat ideas to help others. : )
savraj wrote: Beautifully welcoming bench. Wonderfully artistic and thoughtful!
leoladyc728 wrote: what a cool idea

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