Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Am A Daisy (Poem by mindyjourney)

--by mindyjourney, posted Jun 30, 2017
I am a daisy
Most of the time,
With a sunshine center
And petals of white defined.

Sometimes, I am budding satin rose though,
Unfurling to reveal a fragrance that I've only begun to know.

When my feelings cannot be contained,
That's when I am a wildflower
Tenacious and nodding in the wind
Bowing in prayer to a higher power.

Vases and meadows
Gardens and garlands
I am the bloom of them all.
Just as you are.
Heart-shaped and laughing
We are each a blossoming star.

Brush off the dust of doubt.
Reach towards the flowering within
To find the glorious gratitudes without.

Tied with a ribbon or allowed to run free
I embrace the gift of each unique flowering me.

For when I admire your tendrils of bloom
That is me I see
In our garden of a transformative we.

mj poem 6.26.17 and photo

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Readers Comments

dotmatrix wrote: ♥.
Rajni wrote: This nice poem inspires us to live like a flower blossoming and spreading fragrance in all directions. Even when crushed, they give perfume. We too need to make our life like flower spreading kindness all over with our thought, word and deeds.

The best flower is not that spreads fragrance. It has none of its own. However without it we do not look cultured.

It is COTTON FLOWER that protects us and gives us beautiful look.

Over and above it when our heart becomes tender like flower and spreads kindness all over is ultimate.
unknown wrote: Super!!!
Rajni wrote: It looks flowers got upgraded by your beautiful poem. It is difficult to find proper words to express my feeling. May be amazing describes a little part of it. Thanks for sharing lovely poem.
Mish wrote: A marvelous create! And such glorious flowers :)))))
horsegirl21 wrote: lovely :)
splain wrote: This is a beauty Mindy.
savraj wrote: You looked like a beautiful sweet daisy in your wedding photo! You looked like a sweet angel then and you still do to this day😃❤️
ms_joy wrote: Quite inspiring and beautiful poetry! I will share some of my poetry someday soon! :)
leoladyc728 wrote: gorgeous, both the poem and photo

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