Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Pizza Found A Home

--by gardengal10, posted Aug 3, 2017
I spoke with my "local" sister today and she relayed this story which I have been given permission to share. My brother-in-law had a taste for pizza from a near-by pizzeria. When he went in to place his order for carry-out, the clerk explained that they had one ready that had been made in error. It was his if he wanted it for dirt cheap.

He purchased it and when he brought it home and he and my sister opened the box, they discovered that it was massive and that it would be a mistake on their part if they even took one bite. She knew that they would eat all of it.

Her next door neighbor was celebrating the holiday with their very large family and so she told my brother-in-law to take the pizza to their house. Upon delivering it to their door, he discovered that one of neighbor's sons had just returned from a 6-month military deployment and had just uttered the words that he had a taste for a pizza from the very pizzeria that was now on his door step. It always amazes me (and my sister) how the universe knows.
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Readers Comments

tkthreign wrote: The universe has many wonders, miracles and graces for all to see.
Mish wrote: Simply WOW!!! 👍😇🍕🍕
DANCE wrote: indeed wow!
pyronik wrote: wow, amazing indeed
melnotes wrote: That is awesome!
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful story
splain wrote: So kind and thoughtful.
michelelpurce wrote: God works in mysterious ways. :)
mindyjourney wrote: Well...that pizza had quite a journey to get to where it was supposed to be! Thanks for sharing :))

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