Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Book Finds A New Home

--by gardengal10, posted Aug 11, 2017
Last year while on vacation to another country, I picked up two books that had been translated into English. I came home, immediately added them to the stack next to the bed and forgot about them until a few weeks ago. I finally read one of them, enjoyed it, and tried to decide where it was going to go next.

When I take my daily walk, I pass a house and  talk with the owners. It turns out that Mr. Owner was a copier repairman who was often called to my workplace during the years that he worked for the copier firm that we used. Coincidentally, his last name is the same as the author of the book that I read. Found a postcard from our ancestral homeland, wrote a note and deposited it and the book into his mail slot on my walk this morning.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Perfect for him👍👍👍
michelelpurce wrote: Thanks for sharing the books. And how neat to share the last name as the author. :)
DANCE wrote: He'll be very happy
janfour wrote: how cool
Lilijourney wrote: thank you for your thoughtfulness <3
kjoyw wrote: Wonderful book sharing!
leoladyc728 wrote: so kind of you
mindyjourney wrote: Such a thoughtful way to gift your neighbor! Well done :))))
glenystas wrote: What a lovely idea, would think it was well appreciated too.

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