Stories of Kindness from Around the World

This Stranger Overheard Her Roommates and Her in Line and Jumped in to Help

--by Helenconnell2, posted Nov 2, 2017
Our daughter Ruth went to university on Saturday. I called her last night about a letter. She was very excited when I spoke to her and asked if I had a few minutes so she could tell me a story.

She told me that she and her flatmates had gone shopping at the local supermarket. They were in the queue at the store and were debating whether they had enough money to pay for everything.

A nearby gentleman asked if there was a problem. When they told him, he paid for all of their shopping. She said 'Mum we have a fridge and freezer full of food and it didn't cost anything!"

It's such a welcome gift and an unexpected surprise isn't it? When we find kindness while not even looking for it!
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Readers Comments

balou wrote: what a beautiful kindness! I'm sure they'll pay it foreward one day :-) Hope she'll enjoy university!
Mish wrote: Sweetness!!!!! 👍👍👍
patjos wrote: :))))))) Wonderful people, wonderful world!
janfour wrote: Oh my goodness!!
mindyjourney wrote: Kindness in the grocery queue!!! Love it! So many lessons daughter is learning already :))
DANCE wrote: wow
kjoyw wrote: Such kindness!
horsegirl21 wrote: what a kind gesture.
leoladyc728 wrote: love this story. this was a great act of kindness

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