Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Chance To Be Unselfish On A Hot Summer Day

--by anju73, posted Sep 5, 2009

Last week, on the way back home from my daughter’s school, I was feeling a little down. No particular reason but I was in a dialogue in my mind about this society, the daily crime news, selfish behaviours of our close relations. I was just wondering why relationships have no purity and unconditional love. These thoughts were disturbing my mind. 

I was waiting at a traffic signal on a hot afternoon. Suddenly I saw a middle aged woman looking for a bus or vehicle to reach her destination. I just smiled at her and asked her if I could be any help. She came to me and asked if I could drop her at the next corner. I happily opened the door of my car. She was full of sweat and looked very tired too.

When she came inside she was more relaxed. She just closed her eyes for two minutes. I offered her some cold water. She started sharing her everyday routine and her life. I offered my help to drop her till her home. She was surprised as this was very unexpected. But for me, it came like a test for help others. :)  During that conversation, she shared stories about her whole life!

When I dropped her home, she invited me in for a cup of tea. She thanked me and told me that it was her luck to meet me when she really needed a lift. She was full of real gratitude. I said bye to her. But that help give me more satisfaction as I was just looking for the opportunity to help someone in need.   I thought to myself, "So what if a few people are selfish.  We have lots of people who are doing things without any condition.” 


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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: What a terrific way to brighten both of your days! You are the change in the world--bless you for being the angel that you are. Love and hugs to you.
innerjourney wrote: When you give unconditionally, life goes full circle :) Thank you for sharing this. You are great and inspirational as usual. God bless...Love and smiles, Manish:)
pavoor wrote: Helping someone who is desperate, without asking is god sent.
gaur wrote: Hi
Every one has one's plus point and we should plus the plus points so that we may a big totals of our karmas. You have a very good nature. I have also experience of the same . When you also need some times than God will sure sent some one to help you at that time, be sure. One should not think so much while helping others this is the point with all of us that we think so much and do less. You are doing extremly very Good, Keep it up and God will sure guide and help you .
With love and lot of smiles.
Sanyogita wrote: Dear Anju,
Ur very very helpful each n every time. Thanks for helping out somebody in need.Words are few to express my gratitude towards ur kindness deeds...
Keep Smiling. :)

With Smiles,
sethi wrote: That's great , Take it forward . Providing is a big gift in life . Take care .

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