Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Power of Open Invitations

--by mindyjourney, posted Feb 27, 2018
Charles doesn't come often to our coloring group. When he does, he sets his various plastic shopping bags on a seat nearby and gets right to work choosing pages, coloring with a determination and an intent of focus.

He's sure not our regular coloring group demographic, but oh, how I love the diversity and interest he brings :)). The oversized diamond-looking cross earrings, gold tooth and deep thoughtful voice.

You can tell that Charles has seen a lot of the world, without going very far out of our city. I don't think it's been a very pleasant journey, but still, he sees the beauty. Feels the creative expression that needs to manifest thru him.

"I used to like to draw, a long time ago. Animals. People..." he confided to me.

I got the feeling that life put his talents on hold.

Knowing Charles doesn't have much, I put together a little artist portfolio: an assortment of pencils, sharpener, sketch pad (wrote some inspiring quotes on the first page :))). Glad he came last night, so I could give him the portfolio finally.

He accepted graciously and filled the portfolio with more pages to color at home. When I glanced over, I noticed how he was thoughtfully running his hands over the colored pencils that were now his.

Before leaving, Charles made sure to show me what he had colored, a man fly fishing on a vibrant blue lake. And for those moments, when he was immersed in coloring, Charles became that calm scene.

And that, my kind friends, gives me a sense of Peace too.

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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Sister Mindy your way of inspiring and encouraging Charles and taking care of him too is commendable. You never know you are helping build a future artist. Thanks for sharing.
Mish wrote: heartfelt beautiful, I have tears in my eyes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
scully wrote: Beautiful to reach people like you do😇😄🙌
gardengal10 wrote: So, so touching. Thank you for making Charles feel so very special.
Helenconnell2 wrote: It's such a privilege when you can give to someone like that x
petroskryf wrote: Charles is such a lucky guy!
janfour wrote: just so loving and nice - thanks
AndiCas wrote: Tears close to the surface. Charles will treasure his new tools for creativity.
lt33 wrote: Wow thank you for taking that extra time to getting to know one of the people who comes to your coloring group and inspiring him 📖💜
Lilijourney wrote: My eyes are misting over what you have shared. Beautiful you!!!

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