Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Peace Doves for an Honest Mistake

--by melnotes, posted Jul 14, 2018
Yesterday, I went to a local hardware store to get a replacement bulb for a light that had blown. The shop assistant told me that they had never stocked this type of bulb, but I was adamant I had purchased it at the store previously! Altogether there were three shop assistants helping me trying to find what I was looking for. They were so helpful and tolerant as I explained the bulb and its fitting, but in the end I said I would go home and double check.

Turns out I was wrong! The bulb I needed was not what I thought and the store had it all along, so I returned today with some peace doves and gave one to the only assistant I could find who had helped me. I apologized and we had a laugh about my mistake. He wasn't too sure what to say when I gave him the peace dove, but he asked what it was and I explained that I wanted to give it to him for being so kind and helpful, and that they came all the way from the USA.

This is the first time I've actually given one directly to someone I don't know for a genuine act of kindness and it felt so good knowing that I could do this. Growing more and more each day :)

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Oh, dear melnotes! Brought tears to me, my friend <3. How amazing the Universe to go through all that, just so you could gift a dove directly in person <3 :))). Thank you for returning to store with apology and a dove. Blessings of peace winging their way all over the world <3.
melnotes wrote: It was worth it, and I also got my light bulb!
sandyremillar wrote: Lovely details the unite this world into kindness....
Mish wrote: Love shared, on the wings of a Mindy dove . Well done by you, Mel.
pluto178 wrote: I do love a person who can stop and say hey I got it wrong my apologies..............its over and done with.......such a positive thing to do and of course the Doves help. x

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