Stories of Kindness from Around the World

When A Hug Is Just What's Needed

--by Sands, posted Oct 23, 2009

I was on a flight to New York with my two sons.  Having been through many hard years as a single parent, I had promised us a trip to NY on my 40th birthday and my eldest son's 21st & my younger son's 18th!! 

There we were on our way.  As I came out of the restroom on the plane, I noticed a woman (probably in her mid-30s) standing and sobbing.  People, including the flight attendents, were just walking past her.  I got up, walked back to her and said, "I don't know what's wrong, but can I give you a hug?" 

The woman held on to me like a long lost relative and cried for at least 5 minutes.  She just sobbed and sobbed.  I did nothing but hold her and gently stroke her back.  After she had calmed down, she said thanks.  I said "no problem" and came back to my seat. 

A couple of hours later, she came up to me and said she had just arrived at Heathrow, got through customs and to her hotel when she and her husband received a call from the States saying her father had died.  They had been in London (a trip they had planned for 10 years!) for 12 hours and they were now flying back again.  

Sitting there and thinking through my didn't seem that bad.

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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for being a listening ear and offering her that hug, i'm sure it helped a lot
pia santos wrote: That was very sweet of you. !

I remember when my grandpa died and it was all so sad. :( i hadn't talk for hours at that day. Specially at thu funeral i just sat there and cried for minutes.

mercedes wrote: Got you!
FairyBubbles wrote: That was a really lovely thing to do.
dinakar wrote: a help and a hug is completely free and priceless too...any one who got a hug or a help should pay the one who gave it only with the happiness in their eyes....i hope you got your payment....keepsmiling...dinakar
Jacinda wrote: Sands what a wonderful thing to have done!

"Nothing can make everything okay after a hard experience, but the simple act of giving a hug can come pretty close" - Hannah Boyd

Thanks so much for sharing :)
I hope you have a wonderful day! Love and smiles, Jacinda
Bluebell wrote: Thank you for listening your heart. I am sure your gesture will be forever in that lady's memory. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bleubell
madeusmile wrote: How sweet. It reminded me of when a pet of my passed away. I was at the Vet's attempting to hold it all together and write a check for their services. Suddenly a woman stepped up beside me and said... "I don't know you...but could I offer you a hug?" Well, as you can imagine...that was it! I lost it right there and became a puddle of emotions. But I've never forgotten her kind spirit. Just having someone envelope you in their arms and offer support is one of the most generous acts of mankind!

I'm sure that she has never forgotten your kindness.

Thank you for sharing!
JuneBug wrote: That's a kind and unselflish gesture. Good for you !!! :)

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