Stories by Sands (2 matches)

When A Hug Is Just What's Needed

I was on a flight to New York with my two sons.  Having been through many hard years as a single parent, I had promised us a trip to NY on my 40th birthday and my eldest son's 21st & my younger son's 18th!!  There we were on our way.  As I came out of the restroom on the plane, I noticed a woman (probably in her mid-30s) standing and sobbing.  People, including the flight attendents, were just walking past her.  I got up, walked back to her and said, "I don't know what's wrong, but can I give you a hug?"  The woman held on to me like a long lost relative and cried for at least 5 minutes.  She just sobbed and sobbed.  I did nothing but hold her and gently stroke her back.  After she had calmed down, she said thanks.  I said "no problem" and came back to my seat.  A ... Read Full Story >>

2235 Reads

Hope is "the Making of You"

I've had a hard time for a few years now and try to write a little something most days.  All the postings I have made are my writings, so thank you to those of you that have given me such positive feedback.  Thank you for your kindness.

Here's another...penned a few minutes ago.......

Life is what it is
No matter what hardships face us…and face each and every one of us they do
Don’t be fooled that yours are harder than anyone else’s
For that’s what they believe too.
Instead feel the pain…allow yourself the tears….scream and cry…do what you have to do
But always keep a little bit of hope in your heart ….and as you begin to build your life again….that hope will be the making of you.

1938 Reads

'Sands' Also Commented on These Stories

Hope is "the Making of You"

Life Is Baeutiful.

Sometimes We All Need A Little Support