Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A "Food For Thought" Jar

--by BedBug, posted Oct 21, 2009

When I worked in a busy office, most of my co-workers kept jars of candy on their desks to enjoy and share with others.  Constantly battling the "bulge," I hated these temptations, but neverthless often gave in to them.  I decided to put out a jar of my own "feel good" stuff, with no calories.

I bought a beautiful jar and spent one whole weekend at home cutting up colorful strips of paper and writing down inspiring quotes.  I filled up the jar with the inspiring quotes and placed it on my desk for people to help themselves to. 

It took a while to catch on, but soon, everyone was stopping by my "food for thought" jar daily to fill up on something much better than empty calories. 

They would take one out, read it, smile knowingly, and then fold it up and replace it for the next co-worker.  It's something that never needed to be replenished unless, I saw a new quote I liked and wanted to add. 

If you work in an office environment, try this out and see how much everyone loves it.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: BedBug, That is a super way to helpothers! What an incredible what to spread smile. :) ~Aurelia
grammagussie wrote: What a fantastic idea...I love it. I'm gonna try this one at
makesomeonesmile wrote: What an outstanding idea. I might borrow that if I may!
helpinghand wrote: What a wonderful idea.I love it.I am going to try at work.
Brij wrote: Thats really nice of u.. Kool Idea to share and pass on..
FairyBubbles wrote: Wow, that's a great idea - thanks for sharing.
lmil1954 wrote: Hooray for Bedbug!!! I love this idea, thank for sharing it!
Love, Linda:)
MsSmiley wrote: What a beautiful and thoughtful idea! Can't wait to try that one at work :)
Patricia wrote: That is such a nice idea! I once bought a nice big jar for my husband to put on his desk filled with candy for him and his co-workers. But since he has difficulties in keeping a healthy weight, we stopped the candy thing. Now i know what i can do with that candy jar!
Veena wrote: Nice one!

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