Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Learning Love

--by KiwiCat, posted Aug 23, 2018
There is a 'mean' dog in our street. She has attacked our dog and both our neighbour's dogs too.

Our foster daughter said today that we shouldn't call the dog the 'mean dog' we should call her the 'learning dog' because she is still learning to be kind to other dogs. The wisdom of a 7 year old :-)
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Readers Comments

horse-friend wrote: Very sweet! Thanks a lot for posting this.
Lilijourney wrote: This is the kindest view. Good for your foster daughter, and thank you for sharing this heartwarming tale.
lindariebel wrote: May the foster daughter find out how many admirers she has!
John74 wrote: A good way of looking at the situation. I pray that the learning dog continues to learn the good way. <3
leoladyc728 wrote: she has some mind for a seven year old
mindyjourney wrote: I think foster daughter is learning as well as teaching too :)
michelelpurce wrote: out of the mouths of children. how deep is that? tell her thanks for the new way to look at things like that. :) i hope she never loses that mind set. :)
Mish wrote: Agree with Michele 👍👍. Wondering whose dog??? And are the owners doing anything about this?! Shining light.

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